A year after Parkland, Democrats engage in blatant emotional blackmail and incredible lies to push disarmament agenda on Americans.
Scott Peterson Had No Duty to Protect Marjory Stoneman Douglas Shooting Victims
The Supreme Court that makes it crystal clear that the Police have NO specific duty to protect individual citizens and CANNOT be sued for failing to have done so.
Culture, Not The Availability Of Guns Is America’s Problem
20 kids would spend all day playing & “shooting” at each other, all had unfettered access to real guns yet never had the idea of actually shooting someone.
NJ Tyrant & Legislator Loretta Weinberg’s Newest Bill Bans Travel to Free States
This proposal is one step removed from requiring that New Jersey citizens receive permission from the State before crossing the border to free America.
Corporate Tyranny Is Now Dictating American’s Rights
Gun-control groups and their supporters are giddy with excitement over these recent “victories” when they actually shouldn’t be. And here’s why…
Saying “Military Grade Firearms” is Code for I-am-a-Dumbass Gun Banner
Phrases like “military grade” & “military style” are, like the rest of the arguments used by gun control, are a deliberate attempt to sway public opinion by intentionally misrepresenting the facts…
North Carolina Gun Range Goes Up In Flames In Obvious Case Of Arson
Deliberate burning of NC Triad Active Shooters Klub should be declared an incident of domestic terrorism and placed under federal investigation.
Governor Christie Lies to Brett Baier About Gun Control Record
On Last nights Special Report with Brett Baier, NJ Gov Chris Christie told a Hillary Clinton level lie to the host and a Nationwide Audience about his record on Gun Control…
South Jersey Times Editorial Board Sinks to New Low Demagoguing NJ Gun Owners
Was staggering hypocrisy & blatant double standards enough for the South Jersey Times Editorial Board ? Oh no. In true Anti Gun Ideology form, they sank even lower on their headlong race to the bottom
Bigot Bryant Gumble Calls Millions Of Americans ‘Pigs’
Sadly, gunowners are one of the only groups left in America that bigots like Gumbel feel justified in publicly discriminating against, with impunity and with the most vile language, slurs & threats…
The Oh So Tolerant Gun Bigots At CSGV Launch Campaign To Get Pro 2A Reporter Fired
Once again the “I am more tolerant than you” and “open minded” bullies at ‘The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence’ have publicly revealed they are anything but tolerant or open minded…
NY Assemblywoman To Ban Children From Gun Shows, She Knows What’s Best for Your Kids
NY Democrat Linda Rosenthal has decided that she knows better than parents how to best raise their children & is pushing Legislation that will ban all children under 12 from attending Gun Shows…
Its Time To Hold SWATTERS, & Those That Egg Them on Accountable
How many innocent more people must be falsely detained arrested, attacked, injured or killed for exercising their rights before Swatters and their enablers are prosecuted…
‘The Blue Tent Sky’ the Brian Aitken Story, Hits Shelves Today
If you are a gun owner, you MUST read this book to understand the potential depths of the state sanctioned system arrayed against you, poised to destroy your life at a moments notice…
The OODA Loop, Origins and Application
Readers engage in the use of the OODA Loop every single day on their drive to work, without ever realizing it or that it has a formal name…
Shaneen Allen Trial Delayed by Prosecutor as Nationwide Outrage Increases
Late on Friday afternoon September 12th 2014, news broke that Atlantic County Prosecutor John McClain requested a delay in the start of jury selection and trial of Shaneen Allen
Atlantic County Prosecutors Special Treatment – Ray Rice Beating vs Shaneen Allen
Will just released Ray Rice wife beating video turn up the Heat on Atlantic County Prosecutors miss handling of the Shaneen Allen case…
Armed Doctor that Saved Lives & Stopped Shooter in Gun Free Zone Needs Our Support
While the Dr did not break any laws, he did violate Hospital “Gun Free Zone” policy, which the killer clearly ignored, and now needs your phone calls of support…
The NJ Firearms ID Application, Intentional Trap For The Unwary?
An unwary or naive applicant can easily run afoul of the law, through no real fault of their own and absent any criminal intent or deliberate effort to mislead or provide false information…
Gun Law Critic, James Kaleda, Targeted By NJ State Police – ARRESTED
Obviously this situation has raised significant concerns and alarms for the over 1 million Citizens of NJ who own firearms and could easily find themselves in a similar situation
NJ Gun Law Critic Targeted By State Police 72 Hours Prior To Hearing
News is breaking that an outspoken critic of New Jersey’s draconian gun laws is being actively targeted with an arrest warrant issued by the New Jersey State Police
NJ Senate President Tweets ‘No Mass Shootings in NJ’ Thus No Need for Self Defense
Another ignorant statement directly and indirectly contributing to the victimization of innocent Citizens, while absolving themselves of any responsibility for it…
NJ Senate President Sweeney Officially Goes Full Anti-Gun Kool Aid Drinker On Twitter
In a barrage of Tweets Monday afternoon NJ Senate President Steve Sweeney parroted no less then seven long dis-proven lies or misrepresentations of facts from various Anti Gun Groups…
Connecticut Moves One Step Closer To All Out Confiscation Of Guns & Magazines
Letters are now going out to at least a certain number of Connecticut gun owners that they have been found to be in non compliance with the law and were technically felons…
Gun Issues The Elephant In The Room For Gov Christie’s National Aspirations
Mainstream Media has inadvertently, & quite unintentionally helped reveal just how much an enemy of the Second Amendment a President Christie has the potential to be. And for that, they should be thanked…
NJ Legislature Declares War on Millions of Standard Capacity Magazines
NJ Legislature plans to reduce by a completely arbitrary amount the maximum capacity of ammunition magazines from the current 15 rounds, to no more then 10
Does NJ Senate President Steve ‘I will never support concealed carry’ Sweeney have a Carry Permit?
So how about that, Steve? Are you willing to man up, come clean and publicly answer whether you do or do not hold a NJ Carry Permit???
NJ Star Ledger Editorial Board Reveals Their Hypocrisy When It Comes To Guns
That is far from the first time the Star Ledger Editors have openly and publicly displayed their hypocrisy, not by a long shot…
Anti Gun Zealot Bryan Miller Attacks Lawful Gun Owners As Domestic Terrorists
Miller continues to parrot a long line of incredibly ignorant and equally arrogant statements that have no basis in fact
No Liability for NJ Officials in Short Hills Mall Murder ~ Video
The recorded 911 call from the desperate and traumatized wife of NJ Attorney Dustin Friedland, who was murdered just before Christmas in the parking structure of the Short Hills Mall were released.