Ammoland Inc. on by Dan Roberts
The problem for Christie is his repeated efforts to avoid staking out a hard & fast position on the Right of Self Defense & the blatant abuses of that right by the NJ Legislature and NJ Courts..
Ammoland Inc. on by Dan Roberts
The 90 percent support for Expanded Background Checks is a myth, nothing more, a creation; like every other one of the talking points and so called “facts” of the Anti Gun left…
Ammoland Inc. on by Dan Roberts
Yesterday could very well mark the beginning of President Obama’s “lame duck” remainder of his Presidency. He expended enormous political capital on Gun Control and got nothing for it…
Ammoland Inc. on by Dan Roberts
NY Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Machiavellian Plot to ignore and subvert the Rights of potentially millions of NY State residents developed another layer late Sunday…
Ammoland Inc. on by Dan Roberts
Lobbying for stricter gun control because of a the actions of a deranged individual is in practice and morality, the functional equivalent of having a coalition of rape victims lobby for the…
Ammoland Inc. on by Dan Roberts
The gun is a great equalizer because it makes wimps as dangerous as people who really have skill and bravery and so I’d like to have this notion that anyone using a gun is a wuss..
Ammoland Inc. on by Dan Roberts
Confiscation of private citizen’s Pistol Owner ID Cards, as well as firearms and accessories has commenced in NY under the provisions of the horribly flawed, unconstitutional NY SAFE Act…
Ammoland Inc. on by Dan Roberts
While the article is clearly focused on Bryan Miller and his group Heeding God’s Call, it certainly equally applies to other religious groups and their leaders on the Anti Gun side..
Ammoland Inc. on by Dan Roberts
Overwhelming evidence points to the signal largest common factor in all of these incidents, the fact that all of the perpetrators were or had been taking powerful psychotropic drugs..
Ammoland Inc. on by Dan Roberts
In unguarded moments, when they presume they are amongst friends they will candidly admit to things that they deride and ridicule in any other setting..
Ammoland Inc. on by Dan Roberts
If you buy a performance car from a dealer, and it was originally designed, built and equipped with a 400 horsepower engine, then that is it’s “standard” and anything over that would be considered…
Ammoland Inc. on by Dan Roberts
Just how many Citizens, having committed no crime other then peaceful non compliance with an Unconstitutional and treasonous gun control scheme are the gun grabbers willing to kill in furtherance of..
Ammoland Inc. on by Dan Roberts
Dianne Feinstein and her cabal of tyrants to introduce the most sweeping, draconian and Unconstitutional Gun Control Bills since the Gun Control Act of 1968…
Video | Ammoland Inc. on by Dan Roberts
Molon Labe – These two words signify the refusal to simply roll over and submit to the demands of a tyrant with overwhelming force at his disposal demanding free people to lay down their arms…
Ammoland Inc. on by Dan Roberts
The uncomfortable truth so many refuse to acknowledge and seek to avoid at all costs is that violent, evil, criminal acts have, can, do and will.continue to occur at any place, at any time be they..
Ammoland Inc. on by Dan Roberts
We all have lives and responsibilities outside the 2 A movement that’s true. There simply isn’t enough hours in the day, believe me I know. But, is that football game on TV more important than the…
Ammoland Inc. on by Dan Roberts
The hunters don’t care about the competition shooters, the competition shooters don’t care about those that wish to carry a firearm for self-defense, those that wish to carry for self-defense don’t
Ammoland Inc. on by Dan Roberts
Evidently, you can even flaunt carrying a firearm, openly and in public, in full view of police officers, with the knowledge of the Chief of Police of a South Jersey Shore town and no one will bat an.
Ammoland Inc. on by Dan Roberts
This whoops by the Brady Clowns shows someone hit the published button to early with claims that Gun Control WAS mentioned during the debate! Once again, gun control supporters are caught red handed..
Ammoland Inc. on by Dan Roberts
If we know people are not hunting with actual assault weapons, as should be abundantly clear, are they hunting with what the various Anti Gun groups and their supporters falsely label as such?