The organizations pushing the study as ‘valid statistics’ wanted to use it as anti-gun propaganda, instead the study exposed the dangers of gun free zones.
Giffords Pushes Misleading Study and Exposes the Danger of Gun Free Zones

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate and Author of the “GOOD GUN BAD GUY” series. He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications, and can be found on radio stations across the country. Dan has been a guest on the Sean Hannity Show, NRATV, and several others. Speaking on behalf of gun-rights, Dan exposes the strategies of the anti-gun crowd and explains their mission to disarm law-abiding American gun owners. Read more from Dan at
The organizations pushing the study as ‘valid statistics’ wanted to use it as anti-gun propaganda, instead the study exposed the dangers of gun free zones.
According to the Government Accountability Office, in 2017, the NICS background check system denied 112,090 people the right to purchase a firearm. Of those 112,090 denials, only 12,710 were investigated.
Judge Sinatra granted standing for a challenge to New York State’s ban on body armor. Sinatra decided that the challenge could proceed.
There has been a failure to discuss the true cause of this crime, mental health issues, and an obsessive focus on guns by the media.
On September 16, 2024, in what is known as the Barnett v. Raoul case, which is a bench trial challenging the Illinois gun and magazine bans.
Even if you do have the legal ability to carry in Chicago, almost anywhere you would go throughout the city is off-limits.
Some may argue that this victim/predator society created in cities, like Chicago, is for the purpose of encouraging violent behavior, often with a gun, for justification of more gun control laws.
Is the return of equipment a valid request, or should we just consider that a gift from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the terrorists?
They have realized that if they can convince people that guns in America are a threat to public health, they will be able to enact gun control by executive fiat.
This may be a situation where over ambitious radical, gun-grabbers overplay their hand and end up unraveling the State’s entire permitting process.
New York State lawmakers recently passed a bill that will require gun shops to put a warning sign on their buildings to warn people of the risks of owning firearms.
The new rule authorizes funding to states to implement and enact, Extreme Risk Protection Orders among several other Constitution-violating items.
This government-issued gun privilege rewarded to active and retired law-enforcement officers grants them the freedom to carry a firearm.
This language appears to be code for, “We will determine which guns can be “converted,” and the State of New York will have the final word on which guns can be sold in New York.
Anti-gun activists keep Americans unarmed, and criminals take advantage of the situation.
The anti-gunners in New York State are at it again with a new anti-gun bill to restrict recreational firearms activities and make it impossible for gun ranges to exist.
ATF agents occupied Malinowski’s home for over 12 hours and according to court documents, confiscated more than just firearms and ammunition.
The problem is not firearms. The problem is the disarmament of people who would likely be able and willing to save lives, when they were under attack.
It’s never the responsibility of the law-abiding gun owner to solve one problem in order to keep a God-given right.
These CDC and NIH studies are fabricated to justify such gun control restrictions as, gun, confiscation laws, mandatory waiting periods, and even a firearm retirement age.
Clearly, this new martial law policy is not fixing the violence problem in the New York subway system and passengers are being forced to find ways to defend themselves against attackers.
Can you imagine the damage to the anti-gun fear campaign if left-wing voters started feeling comfortable around the very rifles Democrats have been working so hard to demonize?
New York State receives another challenge to its unconstitutional gun laws.
They watch children get killed in schools, publicize the deaths under the guise of virtue and continue to support the very laws that are responsible for the loss of life.
A study by the Center for Justice Research determined that in the year following Ohio’s constitutional carry going into effect, crime involving firearms dropped by as much as 22%.
In a recent attack on Christians at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, a violent attacker named Genesee Ivonne Moreno from El Salvador attempted a mass killing.
Biden’s White House will be holding several events focused on combating their so-called “gun violence” in black communities.
The demonization of the AR-15 perpetuated by left-wing politicians and the anti-gun lobby is having a negative effect, as intended.
Democrat Governor Hochul is praising this new policy of gun confiscation as “a model for the rest of the nation.”
It would seem real Americans have had just about enough of the gun-grabbing propaganda machine constantly grinding its way through our traditional American values.