The flag thing is. Its meant to divide and its meant to cause racial strife. Its not meant to heal, and it most certainly is not meant to bring our country together…
Dear Shooting Ranges… Let kids shoot for FREE
I want to take a minute here and address one thing that I feel needs to be done that could greatly help facilitate the next generation getting into the shooting sports…
The Definitive List: What Your Carry Ammo Says About You…
OK… Here it is… the long awaited, definitive list of what your carry ammo says about you…
The Definitive List – Stupid Things Anti-Gunners Say
Here it is. The definitive list of all the stupidly moronic things that anti-gunners say about guns and gun owners…
When Will The Gun Control Zealots Demand We Ban Airplanes?
A Malaysian airliner went down (has gone missing) several weeks back & approximately 250 people are missing/dead. Shouldn’t we ban Airplanes, I mean, ‘if it saves just one life’….
Teachable Moment: Self Defense, Not An Effective Legal Argument Against Mag Cap Restrictions
I want to start things off by making it perfectly clear that I am vehemently opposed to the government regulating how many rounds of ammunition I am allowed to have in my firearm…
Dear Flashlight Manufacturers…
Its now fully within the realm of reality to buy a flashlight that can melt the paint off of a car for well under $100…
Review: LaserLyte Trigger Tyme Training Pistol and Laser Trainer Pro
Not too long ago I had a package show up here at the Gunmart Blog Test Kitchen from the good people over at Laserlyte…
LaserLyte Laser Plinking Cans Review
Not long ago I had a package show up here at the Gunmart Blog Test Kitchen from the good people over at Laserlyte. Inside of said package was their newest addition to their catalog of laser training devices, the LaserLyte Laser Plinking Cans…
Let me start off by just saying that I am very sorry for raising my voice like that. I usually don’t yell when putting together a headline for an article, but I’m really mad this morning…
The Huffington Post Defines The Second Amendment For Us
A Chicago Liberal at the Huffington Post defines our gun rights for us? Oh, where shall I begin…
PTA Goes Anti-Gun – Time to Tear up my Membership Card
Betsy Landers is a powerful voice in the debate about what is going to be done about our children’s safety What she is pushing for is going to get more children killed. What she is pushing for will not keep kids safe….
We Are All Californians Now!
California politicians held a press conference to introduce the most draconian gun control civilian disarmament bill seen to date in this country…
The Promises of Feinstein’s Civilian Disarmament Bill
Along with Senator Feinstein’s new civilian disarmament bill, she released what she calls “proof” that the 1994 “Assault Weapons” ban worked…
New Gun Control Bill Proves Anti-Gunners Dont Care About the Sandy Hook Children
Senator Feinstein’s newly introduced gun control bill proves once and for all that the the anti-gun crowd does not care one bit about “gun violence”…
Bill Clinton Cautions Gun Grabbers
In a recent meeting with top Democrat donors, Bill Clinton tried to send a message to all those politicians who seek to disarm the civilian population and while doing so he let the mask slip just a bit…
Firearms Regulations/Prohibitions Won’t Solve the Problem of School Massacres (Part 1)
At best these efforts are misguided… to a greater extent what we are seeing here is an attempt to manipulate public sentiment about a horrific tragedy in order to further a political agenda…
Gun Culture 2.0 Must Become Politically Active
Eric at the Gunmart Blog talks about the importance of politically motivating Gun Culture 2.0 and why we are at a cross road for gun rights…
Right to Self Defense Also Extends to the Elderly & Handicapped
Eric at the Gunmart Blog talks about the importance of not denying the right to self defense to the elderly and the handicapped…
Introducing Someone New to Shooting? Try Using Lasers
Introducing someone new to firearms and teaching them the basics of gun safety and marksmanship can be a daunting task.
Wow! That ‘Stars Earn Stripes’ Show Is Pretty Awful, Isnt It?
Yes, I will admit to watching the first two episodes. I mean, it’s not like I planned my day around it or anything… There was just nothing else on TV.
Why We Gun Blog
Eric at the Gunmart Blog talks about why he got into blogging and how much fun it is to be a Gun Blogger.
There is No Such Thing as a Bad Gun Customer
If customers’ needs are not in line with what the business expected, then it falls on the business to make the necessary adjustments. Not the other way around.
AR Rifle Market Saturation
When you reach market saturation as we have with ARs, manufacturers really have to focus on setting themselves apart in some significant way in order to create consumer demand.
Aimpoint Micro Review
If you don’t think that high quality glass is important on a red dot, then you just have not ever used a really good red dot before. ..
Whats The Next Big Thing In The Gun Industry – Suppressors
The next big wave to hit the gun industry will be those infamous “tools of assassins, cop killers, and mafia thugs”… or so Hollywood and those loony gun grabbers would like everyone to be manipulated into believing…
Disney Channel Edits Out Gun From 1938 Mickey Mouse Cartoon
What Disney is currently doing is misguided and extremely dangerous. They are not helping to keep kids safe, and they are being extremely counterproductive towards preventing gun accidents in America…
Pocket Gun Nation
I think the greatest thing that has resulted in this push towards becoming a pocket gun nation once again is what we been seeing happen day in and day out… nothing!
I Dont like the Term “Modern Sporting Rifle”
I think we should drop the term “Modern Sporting Rifle”. Please, don’t misconstrue what I am saying here. I don’t think that we should give up the effort to change the dialogue…
Concealed Carry for the President?
Silly people on the left are losing their ever loving minds over the fact that Rick Perry carries a gun… OMG! BLOOD WILL RUN IN THE STREETS…