Few gun laws generate as much misinformation as permitless or “constitutional” carry of concealed firearms. Now it is North Carolina’s turn to suffer the fake news spin on truth.
Constitutional Carry: Fact vs. Fiction

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Few gun laws generate as much misinformation as permitless or “constitutional” carry of concealed firearms. Now it is North Carolina’s turn to suffer the fake news spin on truth.
What happens when neo-Marxists trying to destroy American society face utter defeat? Few animals are more dangerous than a wounded leftist.
North Carolina Republicans are now lagging their counterparts in other states. Accordingly, I strongly urge you to bring constitutional carry to a prompt committee hearing and floor vote.
Unfortunately, the emails are being generated through a slick-looking website for a phony gun group – one of roughly two dozen such shell organizations run by the infamous…
Win, lose, or draw, after every election, the left invariably resumes scheming to destroy Western society and replace it with Neo-Marxism.
If you thought the leftist backlash during Trump’s 1st term was bad, these coddled, indoctrinated adult children will take up a renewed Resistance” against Freedom & American values.
This is it we are down to the final battle to rescue America! Only the American people can save us now. Do your part and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE for Donald Trump!
However, we are disappointed that NC Sheriff McFadden refuses to pay the full legal fees incurred by those denied their rights due to his malfeasance as a public servant…
It wasn’t just Donald Trump who dodged a bullet on Saturday; it was the entire nation. I suggest you stay light on your feet, both politically & physically, because … next time, we might not be so lucky.
It’s a safe bet that Hamas, Hezbollah, Kim Jong Un, Ruhollah Khomeini, Vladamir Putin, and especially Xi Jinping are not only watching, but plotting to exploit the American power vacuum Democrats have created.
Last week was bad for Joe Biden’s out-of-control Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms. Courts are taking a very dim view of Biden’s executive fiats on guns, striking down two in as many days.
Volunteers led by Grass Roots North Carolina President Paul Valone delivered a hand truck full of petitions calling for constitutional carry to Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger,
In passing constitutional carry, twenty-nine states have now done what North Carolina should have done long ago. That means North Carolina Republicans are now…
Take action on Constitutional Carry. North Carolina now lies within the minority of states which continue to deny this basic civil right to their citizens.
Oh, you didn’t hear? The SCOTUS decision was a profoundly divided “danger to democracy” by an overreaching, partisan Court.
Unlike the NRA, we don’t make “deals” for candidate ratings. They get what they deserve: no more, no less. The net result is politicians who vote right.
House Bill 189 (“Freedom to Carry NC”) gives you a unique opportunity to demonstrate to 2nd Amendment advocates that you strongly support the Constitution and Bill of Rights…
Grass Roots North Carolina is very much looking forward to a robust discovery process looking into the Sheriff’s Unconstitutional delays.
GRNC oppose measures that make it more difficult for lawful North Carolinians to protect themselves & their families. Additional restrictions are an abuse of a regulatory agency to harass lawful gun owners.
Paid NRA lobbyist swooped in at the last minute &, like a vulture, deposited a large load of dung onto the efforts of the activists who were actually getting things done.
What Cotham fled is a deliberate process applied by the left to force conformity and compliance. Leftists are having a similar tantrum in Tennessee as I write this..
Both chambers of the North Carolina General Assembly voted to override Democrat Governor Roy Cooper’s veto of a bill that repeals racist Jim Crow-era pistol purchase permit laws.
Governor Roy Cooper vetoed repealing a racist Jim Crow-era pistol purchase permit law and allowing churches to defend against violent sociopaths.
Despite a long Southern history of denying guns to Blacks, you are being told that North Carolina’s pistol purchase permit law does not have racist origins!?
As a 28-year gun rights operative, I can honestly say that I have met few who are trustworthy. Most of those don’t make it far in politics. Enter Senator Ted Budd.
Sheriff Garry McFadden appears to be deliberately delaying & obstructing concealed handgun permit applications by flooding the Veterans Administration with records requests, even for applicants who
Fake gun groups are claiming credit for the work of others, this type of charlatan often rakes in money with false claims..
Gunsense North Carolina State Senator propagates falsehood during floor debate over racist purchase permit repeal bill.
Democrats use cries of “racism” to gag YOU while refusing to recognize the racist roots of the gun control law we are working to repeal.
North Carolina House member from The People’s Republic of Durham and (ugh) former judge has now introduced HB 976, “Extreme Gun Confiscation for North Carolina.”