The Millcreek Township School District of Erie, Pennsylvania has decided to arm teachers, but not with what you think…
He tweets @gregcampnc.
Swallowing Burger
If we are asked to accept what he said on one case because he said it, it’s fair to ask whether we ought to accept something else he said for the same reason.
Question that Gun Control Advocates Obsess Over – How Do You Feel?
To the advocates of gun control, law-abiding gun owners are vicious sociopaths who do not feel for the children.
Retired Justice John Paul Stevens Joins the March of the Nobodies
What people who want to repeal the Second Amendment must understand is that the First Amendment became law at the same time. If we amend one why not the other?
Assault Weapon Ban Initiative Seeks the Californication of Oregon
The impulse to control is one that many people are possessed with, and that impulse too often leads to a loss of the empathy that we’re asked to have.
Marching for More Gun Control
Hogg implies that he values his privacy and is upset that he’s being punished for the bad action of someone else.
Remember, Nobody Wants to Take your Guns
Nobodies are by no means silent, and when enough of them work each other into a lather, the bog gets noisy, and laws get passed.
Sleep of the Just vs the Unjust, as in Linda Tirado
Tirado’s posing as someone who is holier, more working class, and more moral than Dana Loesch isn’t going to work—unless her goal is to allow herself and those who agree with her to feel smug.
Facts Matter In The Gun Debate, Just Not to Adam Weinstein
It’s hard to be respectful to people, like Adam Weinstein, who refuse to learn the subject they’re pontificating and instead prefer to twist the facts…
But Guns ARE Designed To Kill
Saying that lethal force is at times justified, but that we have no need for the tools to employ such force makes the concept purely hypothetical.
Open Letter to Students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
We can work together on things that do reduce violence—education, poverty reduction, and anti-bullying programs—but we can’t cooperate as long as demands to violate our rights are still on the table.
New York Times Columnist Calls for “Respect First, Then Gun Control”
Compromise is a necessary evil of a democratic system, but only if we understand that some things are matters of principle. Rights are one of those.
The Symptom is Not the Disease
The real question here is whether we will seek solutions that work or will continue repeating the failures of the past.
Homeless Woman Exposes our TSA is Really a Security Theater
People intent on doing harm—and people whose minds work differently from the norm—will find ways around the measures that we impose on the rest of us.
The Evil of Creeping Gun Control & The Slippery Slope
We can dig in our crampons, take a hardy swing with our ice axes, tie ourselves together as a group, & climb out of the abyss. Facts & logic are on our side.
Owning Multiple Firearms is like Having the Right Tools for the Job
Arbitrary limits on what everyone may own make no sense. Having the right tool for the job is what freedom allows us.
Gun Politics Heading into 2018
Let’s start this off with a fact about American politics: There are no laurels, and we who support gun rights do not get to rest.
New York Pistol Permit Holders Facing Deadline & Loss Of Permissions
If you have a pistol permit in NY acquired before 2013, no matter how many years ago you received it, you need to reapply by the Jan. 31, 2018, deadline or lose your permit..
Letter to an American Gun Lover – from a Man who has Surrendered
Pavlovitz has no intention of civil discourse. His goal is to smother rights with compulsory love, and it’s up to the good people of this country to stand against him for freedom.
Confiscation Of Guns From Prohibited Buyers Highlights National Gun Registration
4,000 guns taken from people who are not allowed to have them, people like the Texas shooter, is a good thing, right? Or is NICS now a national gun registry?
Air Force Veteran Arrested on Weapons Charge in NYC
Government agents wield more power than they can use responsibly. Until we restore the doctrine that power flows from the people to the government and not the other way around, no right is safe.
Democrats Propose More Gun Bans & Where are the Republicans?
Are we supposed to feel gratitude toward such politicians who will condescend to allow some of us to own a list of approved guns? The gun control freaks would likely say yes.
Best Pistol Caliber for Self-Defense – Is the .45 ACP Outdated?
Shouldn’t we all go with the 9mm Luger? I’m going to say that the .45 ACP still has a job to do.
Despite Repeated Assurances to the Contrary, Gun Confiscation is Being Discussed
While it’s refreshing to have some honesty from someone who would like to curtail the rights of their fellow citizens, this doesn’t make me more likely to agree to his proposal.
Guns & Theology in America, Despite James E. Wallis, We are Winning
Reverend Wallis’s turning to religion for support of violating the rights of millions of law-abiding Americans is a sign we are winning…
Texas Shooter Was Already Banned from Owning Guns ( Prohibited Person )
Under the Gun Control Act of 1968, the Sutherland Springs Church shooter was a prohibited person from owning guns..
Feeling as a Measure of Moral Worth in the Gun Control Debate
Public policy can be motivated by our feelings, but it has to be based on facts and good reasoning. Just ask what gun laws could prevent mass shootings?
Federal Firearms License Of Josh Sugarmann & Violence Policy Center
All of this would be so much noise if it didn’t illustrate the way in which gun control laws are a dog’s breakfast of regulations…
David Brooks Wants To Tell Us How To Engage A Fanatic
If Brooks and his fellow establishment types are willing to listen, I’m ready to make my case. Even if they won’t be swayed by the use of logic..
Guns And Celebrity Culture, Who Will You Listen To?
Emily Gaudette, writing for Newsweek, believes that the gun control group, Everytown for Gun Safety, should seek out celebrities that conservatives pay attention to…