Wayne LaPierre has tendered payment of over $4 million to the NRA. The payment covers the total judgment against LaPierre issued in last year’s civil trial, plus interest.
His writing can regularly be seen in various publications including Firearms News, as well as here on AmmoLand Shooting Sports News.
Jeff leads The Firearms Coalition, a loose-knit coalition of individual Second Amendment activists, clubs and civil rights organizations, which was founded in 1984 by Jeff’s father, Neal Knox.
The organization provides support to grassroots activists in the form of education, analysis of current issues, strategic and tactical advice, and messaging assistance. Jeff’s decades of experience in the fight for rights gives him a unique perspective and historical foundation for all he does.
NRA Members: Voting Matters ~ Your Votes vs Their Votes
The NRA Special Litigation Committee has doggedly defended the exorbitant billings to the tune of multiple-millions of dollars and foot-dragging of attorney Brewer.
Who’s Voting With You? Make Sure You Talk Politics with Everyone
Make sure that your spouse, adult children, friends, co-workers, shooting & hunting buddies, & everyone you know, is prepared to vote & vote early with knowledge and confidence.
Urgent Call to Action for NRA Voting Members ~ Support these NRA Board Candidates
Take Action! All NRA Voting Members please to go to John Richardson’s “Only Guns & Money” blog and print, sign and return each petition for the 2024 ‘Reform the NRA’ board candidates…
What Do Members Really Think About Their NRA Organization?
A significant number expressed their utter disgust and resolve to never support the Association again under any circumstances.
NRA at the Crossroads: Your Voice is Crucial, NRA Board Needs to Hear From You
Another major area of concern for many NRA members who have followed this case, is the issue of the NRA’s overpriced outside counsel, Brewer Attorneys and Counselors.
Judicial Verdict in NRA Trial: Accountability, Governance, & Future Implications
Judge Joel Cohen asked that the NRA and the AG sit down and try to cobble together a plan for remediation of some aspects of the Association’s governance going forward. If they can’t agree on a workable plan, the judge will…
Only NY Judge Cohen Can Purge the NRA of its Corrupt Board Members
NRA-Cabal Lawyer William Brewer will bankrupt the NRA if Judge Cohen does not remove President Barr, Cotton, Coy, Friedman, Printz, Smietz, and Froman.
National Rifle Association Is Looking For Strong NRA Board Candidates: Can You Step Up?
NRA has issued a call for members to submit nomination for qualified candidates to the NRA board of directors. Are you ready to step up, then keep reading…
A New Day Dawns at the NRA, Are Reform Efforts Paying Dividends?
The big news came from the NRA Board of Directors meeting on Monday, May 20, in which the leadership of the NRA changed hands.
Mining for Iron in Dallas: 2024 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits
NRA members deserve a Board of Directors that does what it was elected to do: oversee the operation of our Association to the best of its ability…
All Four Reform Candidates Win Seats on NRA Board
We all want the same things: A strong, effective NRA, fiscally stable, solidly grounded in the principles of liberty, actively working to protect our rights and promote our sports and hobbies.
NRA Foundation Dodges a Legal Bullet in Washington, DC Legal Battle
All in all, the settlement agreement is almost completely toothless, and all of the provisions agreed to will be easily adopted by the NRA Board.
Time’s Running Out to Save the NRA, Voting Members Must Act Now
Only 4 candidates on the ballot by petition of their fellow members and are publicly advocating for major changes on the members’ behalf. But you must take action!
Don’t Forget All The National Rifle Association’s Other Lawsuits….
The NRA is currently teetering on the verge of insolvency, and the suit alleges that as much as $400 million was improperly diverted from the Foundation to the NRA over the past several years.
Former NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre Has Cost the Gun Rights Movement North Of A Billion Dollars
Wayne LaPierre, has admitted virtually everything that he’s been accused of over the past five years, & a jury has found him liable for padding his own pockets to the tune of $5.5 million.
NRA Board Elections: Support the Four for Reform Candidates
Persuade your NRA friends to vote for the four reform candidates, and you can also persuade your clubs, state associations, grassroots groups, and the gun media, to get off the sidelines..
NRA Board Bullet Voting , What is it? Why Do It On Your NRA Member Ballot
NRA Board Bullet Voting works to get my personally favorite NRA Board candidate a seat on the National Rifle Association board.
Charles Cotton Must Never Be Allowed to Head the NRA!
No single person on the NRA Board of Directors bears more responsibility and culpability for the NRA’s present dire circumstances than Charles Cotton.
Wayne LaPierre’s Brain is Shrinking, Yet He’s Still In Charge of NRA! …Why?
If Wayne LaPierre is unable to testify for several hours consecutively due to his illness why is he still in charge of the National Rifle Association?
Wayne LaPierre Resigning from National Rifle Association …Now What?
Having LaPierre out of office probably helps the NRA’s the org, but it won’t get the NRA insiders & longtime Board members off the hook.
The National Rifle Association is Heading to Court, One Way or Another
In a cliffhanger twist worthy of a “B” movie, the NRA has scheduled a brief meeting of the Board of Directors. No one but insiders at the top knows what to expect
Arizona’s 11th Annual ‘Celebrate the Second Amendment’ Event! Join Us!
The 2024 Rally is on track to be the best event ever, featuring well-known speakers from Arizona and around the country and drawing thousands of participants…
ATF to Reclassify YOU as a ‘Gun Dealer’ Act NOW: Comment Period Ends Dec. 7th
Dec. 7 deadline looms: Biden’s ATF is planning to reclassify YOU as a ‘gun dealer’ to EXPAND ILLEGAL GUN REGISTRY…
4 Outsider Reform Candidates Nominated by NRA Members, LFG!
Spread the word that there are 4 committed reformers on the 2024 NRA BOD ballot, & that every vote is going to be critical…
Citizens & the RKBA, Will We Never Learn?
So-called ‘gun control’ does not control guns and doesn’t control evil behavior. What it does is disarm the innocent, leaving them helpless to tyrannical governments & genocide.
New Mexico’s Governor is Not an Outlier, Raskin is Worse
Governor Grisham should be arrested & prosecuted for attempting to deny constitutional rights. Gun control propagandists like Rep. Jamie Raskin should be ousted from office…
Herrera for Congress: Let’s Go Brandon!!!
Brandon Herrera, popular YouTube personality, gun designer, FFL, and all-around good guy, has declared his candidacy for Congress in the 23rd District of Texas.
Can the NRA be Saved? Open Call for Activist NRA Board Candidates!
The NRA needs Directors who are willing to ask tough questions, challenge the status quo, and stand up for the membership.
Political Forces All Working to Silence Gun Rights Advocates
The silencing & canceling campaigns, along with the NRA’s self-inflicted wounds & the media & politicians’ increased efforts to demonize us, our guns, & our rights, are working.