John Farnam’s duty is to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to the Planet Earth. Mr Farnam is happy to be your counselor and adviser.
As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor John Farnam will urge you, based on your own beliefs, to make up your mind in advance as to what you would do when faced with an imminent and unlawful lethal threat.
You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance if any.
It is his duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to the Planet Earth. Mr. Farnam is happy to be your counselor and adviser.
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
A high-velocity projectile passing through the heart will cause an enormous (but brief) wave of over-pressure, instantly increasing blood-pressure in the brain and spinal cord to well above tissue-damaging levels.
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
Small pistols have been accused of not being drop-safe, as it has been implicated in at least two cases where pants in whose pocket it was placed where thrown on the floor, ostensibly causing the pist
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
…hundreds of thousands of violent illegal-immigrant criminals are also running around loose and actively committing violent crimes [and voting] in our USA.
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
It will take my friend at least 6 months for his NYC application to be approved so that he can legally shoot at commercial ranges and keep his pistol in his home.
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
Having “summer tactics” & “winter tactics” isn’t wise firearms training. What is wise is to embrace sound tactics, equipment, & techniques that work regardless of exterior conditions.
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
Venezuelan gangs (nearly all illegally in this country to begin with) are currently engaging in violent take-overs of entire neighborhoods and apartment buildings, all with scant interference from police.
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
An unarmed [as almost every citizen of NYC is] Stanton Island resident out for a walk was the victim of a surprise attack by a wandering gang of at least a half-dozen youths.
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
A Syrian illegal immigrant precipitously attacked (with a knife) and murdered three innocent people, simultaneously injuring eight others, four critically!
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
A 65-year-old female career Walmart employee was precipitously attacked and stabbed to death inside her own well-lighted store, at 7:00am, in Lake Elsinore, CA.
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
During this election season, it’s important that we get our speech straight, or we could offend our masters. Here is a simple guide to keep you subservient and enslaved.
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
As we reach the precipice of our contentious election year, deadly violence (some political, some “regular”) will continue to increase exponentially before and after.
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
At a dancing school in Southport, UK, a teenage boy with a“large butcher knife” precipitously attacked a group of seven preadolescent girls, killing three.
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
Between now and November, I believe we’ll hear Democrat politicians subtly (maybe not so subtly) hinting that violent, indeed lethal, attacks upon political antagonists are “approved.”
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
Having a gun in your home, in an unknown state of readiness, “laying around somewhere,” is not “going armed.” Operators “go armed” every waking moment…
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
Good and decent people who go armed need to consider the foregoing carefully. Even a justifiable employment of deadly force will be extremely expensive, as well as corrosive to your mental health.
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
It is funny how fast they found this VCA [violent criminal actor]; almost like he was well-known to the police. To the surprise of no one, this suspect is wanted for an earlier sexual assault
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
I also like both Lancer magazines for my Farnam Signature 7.62×51. Lancer makes both a 20-round and a 25-round version. I use both regularly, and both run just fine.
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
“Avoidance” is still paramount, but being ever-prepared to fight effectively for your very life may well become acutely necessary for any of us, in an instant!
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
Should anyone really be surprised, or “shocked,” when violent criminals, cheered-on by their leftist sponsors in government and in the media, do their thing?