John Farnam’s duty is to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to the Planet Earth. Mr Farnam is happy to be your counselor and adviser.
As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor John Farnam will urge you, based on your own beliefs, to make up your mind in advance as to what you would do when faced with an imminent and unlawful lethal threat.
You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance if any.
It is his duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to the Planet Earth. Mr. Farnam is happy to be your counselor and adviser.
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
Their most nonsensical claim: “My” personal safety is solely the government’s responsibility. The government is obligated to protect me from every ill to which flesh is heir, one hundred percent of the time.
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
During this election year, unscrupulous, leftist prosecutors and other less-than-honest politicians, have “weaponized” our Criminal-Justice System in an effort to punish otherwise innocent citizens (like gun-owners) whom they venomously detest.
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
Today, we’re experiencing a national disaster that has taken decades to unfold! The “criminally insane,” “non-rehabilitateable,” etc had always been involuntarily “warehoused” in these large institutions. No longer.
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
Communists (consulting their “List”) promptly went to specific addresses, broke into the homes of people on “The List,” and then systematically murdered them and their entire families.
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
With the exception of Donald Trump’s appearance, attendance at this year’s National Rifle Association Annual Meeting was significantly lower than in past years.
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
Responsible citizens often take exception to those who are behaving badly… is surely understandable, maybe even commendable, but extreme risk attaches!
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
“Wrong People” thus get to pay for the misdeeds of “Right People” because “Right People” are protected, empowered, and apologized for by their leftist allies in American politics (mostly Democrats).
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
Minutes became hours! Hours became days, & 100’s were raped/murdered/kidnapped, and no one showed up to protect them. Jews everywhere are now reluctantly confronting the fact…
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
There were dozens of lecture classes (mine included), hands-on classes, as well as live-fire classes on various ranges, including defensive handgun and shotgun…
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
The FN 509 pistol , like a S&W, features a “jointed,” or “articulated” trigger, unlike Glock (and just about everyone else) which has a “tabbed” trigger.
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
When it comes to apex predators (human or animal) on one side, and innocent citizens on the other, its not difficult to see which side liberals are always on, and always will be.
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
hest-beating politicians in the aftermath will not bring any of the dead back to life, nor will all their pious, self-justifying drivel do anything to prevent the next attack.
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
There is no protection for courageous and dedicated American police officers trying to do the job they’re paid to do! And woke politicians will find fault at every turn.
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
In plain English, police officers will not be arriving as a result of any call from a City resident unless shots are being fired and there are dead bodies lying around!
Ammoland Inc. on by John Farnam
The foregoing is just the tip of the iceberg. Between now and 2025, what can only be described as “anarchy” will become a daily occurrence, particularly in metro areas.