The foregoing is just the tip of the iceberg. Between now and 2025, what can only be described as “anarchy” will become a daily occurrence, particularly in metro areas.
Manufactured Anarchy, After All …How Else Can They “Win” the Election

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
The foregoing is just the tip of the iceberg. Between now and 2025, what can only be described as “anarchy” will become a daily occurrence, particularly in metro areas.
Thieves are free to steal whatever they want, as they arrogantly display absolute confidence that no one will interfere with them. And, no one does!
In reality, the only thing woke college administrators are “watching out for” is their own cushy jobs! Students are expendable.
When your continued existence depends upon the immediate and precise application of lethal force, don’t dither, and don’t apologize.
Those who naively assume that emergency services are always “just a phone call away” are kidding themselves, dangerously!
When public order breaks down in NYC (which it has), the rest of us get the crazy idea that all those suffocating restrictions on personal freedom may not be having the desired effect.
One of the illegal aliens who battered NYPD Patrolmen a few weeks ago was out on “cashless bail” (for another felony) and, as we see, immediately re-offended.
…“de-escalation” is nonsense. There is no “reasoning” with evil. When defensive deadly force is “the solution,” it is usually the only solution.
The householder opened the door, and the person at the entry, who was very upset about something, aggressively pushed past the homeowner…
A serious problem arises when the pistol, without its usual attached flashlight, is placed within a holster designed to accommodate both the pistol and the attached flashlight.
We’re living in an era where mentally and physically sick people, illegal immigrants, as well as dangerous, deadly, and violent criminals are completely unrestrained…
I visited all manufacturers of serious ammunition. This is my recommendation in 9mm for personal defense ammunition…
I can’t keep track of all the companies making M4s rifle variants. What I don’t like is this obsession with ambidexterity!
My main interest is weapons designed & intended for “serious purposes.” Lots of guns were on display. I had the opportunity to handle & shoot a number…
The naked suspect then returned to the delivery guy, who was still unconscious, and beat him to death!
This new law diverts gun-bearing, violent criminals, who are under the age of twenty-one, from regular Criminal Court to “Family Court,” putting them out-of-reach of local prosecutors.
“Armed Jews” still represent a truly frightening thought to leftist politicians, both here and ironically in Israel itself!
Immediately prior to his precipitous attack, we hear this demur, multi-convicted felon say to the judge (with a straight face) that he now “understands his mistakes” and is “making a positive change.”
The Cody Firearms Experience has a number of historical guns, many black powder, that customers can handle & shoot. I had never shot a black-powder revolver…
Less than a hour into the new year, a rented SUV filled with cans of gasoline and driven at high speed by a single person deliberately slammed into a crowd…
I continue to believe that a healthy distrust of government is essential for all of us privileged to live in a free state!
One suspects pointed a pistol at my student at very close range & demanded his wallet, which my student handed over without hesitation. The suspect then abruptly shot…
Manufacturers of serious rifles in 5.56×45 (223 Rem) caliber, know & understand that their rifle needs to accept, & run with standard, STANAG (M4) magazines.
An Israeli soldier was suddenly stabbed in the back by a Hamas terrorist who rushed up to him from behind…
Violent criminal actors have no compunction over harming the innocent, as there are essentially no consequences associated with such behavior.
When media is able to keep secret the name & national origin of the terrorist, they will gladly do so. However, when a ‘real Frenchman,’ commits a crime….
Political violence, anti-Jewish violence, cartel violence, & violent crime are all rapidly stepping up, and it is all routinely covered up, under-reported, & apologized for by our leftist media.
Recently, it was my privilege to go hog hunting as a guest of the Hall Family at Florida Hunting, Fishing, & Outdoor Adventures at the Oak Island Ranch in Okeechobee, FL.
Today, seventy-five years after “The Israeli Method” of firearms carry was rendered irrelevant & unnecessary, we still see it blindly practiced by many in Israel.
The fact that he is a dedicated, radical Islamist with a history is deliberately ignored and not reported….