A crazy man with a gun attacked a school in Texas. We will learn more in the next few days, but this is what we know today.
Patriot Rob Morse, design engineer/analyst by day. Civil rights advocate by night.
“I respect ideas that have stood the test of time and circumstance. I respect those slow-facts.” says Rob
Rob writes the SlowFacts blog and contributes to the Politics and Guns Podcast as well as AmmoLand Shooting Sports news. He also hosts the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast.
Why They Murder Our Kids, and How to Stop the Next School Attack
We know how to stop mass murder in our schools. That wasn’t always true. Defending our children was both a discovery and an invention.
Infringing the Time, Manner and Place to Bear Arms
Honest citizens are disarmed by gun control. Then the criminals hunt us in these “gun free” zones. Gun control is getting us killed.
More People Murdered as Gun-Control Fails in New York State
Gun control failed. It is hard to look at violence but it is more dangerous to think that more ink-on-paper will make us safer.
The Right of the People – Why Elites Hate the Second Amendment
Armed defense is the right of the people. Elites want that right reserved for themselves.
Woman Draws Her Gun to Stop Assault on the Street
This armed citizen faced a lethal threat as she walked down the street. There is a lot we can learn from her.
Public Transportation Turns Deadly for Honest New Yorkers
Violent crime has surged in New York City. We are being attacked in the very places where politicians promised to protect us.
14-Year-Old Defends Her Sister from a Professional Criminal
A 14-year-old defended her younger sister by frightening away a 58-year-old career criminal. Here is what we can learn and teach our teens.
Armed Son Defends Mom from Disguised Robber
Mom has a stranger pounding at her door late at night. She calls you for help. You get there in time to see the stranger break down her door.
Is Maryland’s Attorney General Ignorant or Dishonest?
Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh said that the state should ban modern rifles because those weapons were used to commit mass murder.
Are Gun Grabbers or Gun Owners Empathic and Distrustful?
Do we trust ourselves. By extension, do we trust others with the power to use lethal tools responsibly? The answer is not obvious.
Armed Defense by a Used Car Salesman
This armed robber tried to rob a car salesman in the middle of the day. The defender was ready. This is what we can learn.
Gun Control Failed and Innocent People Died on the New York Subway
Politicians lied and more people died. We have choices. It is hard to change a government, but it is easy to vote with your feet. Now, what will you do?
What Joe Biden Didn’t Tell Us About Guns & Serial Numbers
Why are guns causing crime now, but didn’t cause crime until Joe Biden took office? Here is what old Joe forgot to tell us.
Armed Defense by a Customer at the Local Market
Armed citizens defend themselves every day. This defender saved a store clerk last week in Philadelphia. This is what we can learn.
Armed Defense at Dollar General
A robber walked into a store late at night. The defenders were ready days in advance. This is what we can do in their place.
Armed Defense as You Walk to Your Front Door in the Dark
Most defensive gun use happens near our home. It may be an ordinary place, but there is a lot we can learn from this armed citizen.
Clear Thinking About Taxing Guns
The media tells us that mass murder is common and armed defense is rare. Our tiny screens don’t tell us the truth.
Dangerous Subways and Dangerous Judges
Criminals hunt us on the New York City subways. Elite judges want us disarmed. Don’t expect narrow people to solve our real problems.
Home Defense in the Middle of the Night
There are over a million home invasions each year. This armed defender protected himself and his mom. Here is what we can learn.
Where You Used to go Armed in New York
There is a bill in the New York Assembly that makes most destinations into “gun-free” zones. This never made sense for honest citizens.
Armed Woman Stops Attempted Rape
A restraining order can do a lot, but it can’t stop an ex-boyfriend in the middle of the night. This armed defender had to, and did.
Painful Lies and Boring Facts About Being Armed
We can recognize the false claims of gun control if we bring a sense of proportion and perspective. Let’s look at the big picture.
Moment by Moment as You Shoot an Armed Robber at Work
This armed defender faced a lethal threat and would need time to defend himself. Let’s see how we can save some time.
Constitutional Carry and Letting Our Neighbors Go Armed
More people die when we disarm the good guys. Why are we talking about fantasy problems while violent criminals are killing our neighbors.
Man Crashes His Car Into Your House and Attacks You and Your Wife
You and your spouse are asleep. It is 5 in the morning when a stranger crashes his car into your house. Now is a bad time to make a plan.
Armed Defender Faces Four Robbers at Jewelry Store
We defend ourselves thousands of times a day. This defender had co-workers and customers to protect. What should we do in his place?
Armed Defense, the Lives We Save, and the Lives We Live
You know that lots of us own guns. You might not know that we save thousands of lives a day.
Facts and Fantasies about Guns and Gun Control
Let’s fill in the facts that the gun prohibitionists always leave out. Guns save lives so gun control laws do more harm than good.
SCOTUS can Provide Restitution for Unconstitutional Laws
New York arrests honest gun owners who try to pass through the state. Now the case before the US Supreme Court has a different character.