The Avidity Arms PD10 Pistol may not have had an easy path from Pincus’ first napkin sketches in 2013, but the waiting is over.
Rumors Are True: Avidity Arms PD10 Pistol Exists. Is it Everything You Hoped?

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
The Avidity Arms PD10 Pistol may not have had an easy path from Pincus’ first napkin sketches in 2013, but the waiting is over.
When people found out that Vice News, a generally left-leaning media outlet, was doing a documentary on the First Gun Maker’s Match, there was a lot of concern…
In regard to the importance of these shooting events, ” Educating the public about this hobby is essential not only to preserving it, but also to discredit any attempt to vilify it.”
There were a lot of questions about why the NRA, and other leading gun rights organizations, didn’t get more involved in the case at the time. Certainly, some people pointed to the racial issues.
Some people outside of the gun community can’t understand how a training requirement shouldn’t be an obvious precursor to firearms. They make comparisons to Guns & Cars…
This is not the first time that we have addressed the issue of ATF possibly setting up American Gun Owners. Or that they have contributed to a potential problem, in regard to pistol braces.
The policy area with the most synergistic message is also the one that represents what we believe is the greatest potential for impact: Expanded Background Checks.
The arbitrary and subjective nature of BATFE’s own rule interpretation and application has long been a problem for the gun industry and here we can see more of the same nonsense.
We should work to remove gun control from the agenda of all major political parties in the United States. Given the number of gun owners in our country, this is not an unreasonable goal.
Representative Buddy Carter (GA) explains the unprecedented importance of the Georgia Senate Runoff Election on January 5th, 2021, and the role that the Second Amendment community will play in winning
Before you start thinking that this is some kind of isolated “hit piece” from CNN, an article from a few months ago in D Magazine spells out the specific allegations of Callender’s wrongdoing.
The NRA absolutely is going to change… again. In 1977, there was a schism. In 1997, there was a schism. In 2019, we are seeing the ugly ramifications of there not being change soon enough…
Here is what the NRA (National Rifle Association) needs right now! It needs a reboot at the top… the house needs to be clean.
Please SHARE this throughout the gun community and make sure that no one (including those with an agenda from outside our community) spins our actions to suit their narrative.
Ackerman-McQueen & all of their high placed front people, executives, hand-picked Board Members, scripted spokespeople, and vendors need to be excised from the fight for our gun rights.
Over the past few years, hundreds of people have shot the Avidity Arms PD10 and loved it. Over the past few decades, Hundreds of Millions have shot various Glocks and many have also loved them…
This week, with the stroke of a pen, President Donald Trump took a bolder Gun Control step than President Obama ever did. And, he’s done it with the protection of the NRA.
Unscripted and unplanned dialogue around the work to educate and raise awareness about responsibility, tragedy prevention, legal gun ownership and the stigma that can accompany gun ownership…
As Firearms Owners we need to be braver as a community about confronting those people in our lives who might be needing a conversation about responsible ownership..
Trump told us all at SHOT Show 2017 that the Federal War on Guns was OVER. Too many on our side fell for it…
This month’s #PDNLIVE will feature Rob Pincus and five industry leaders on the topic of getting started as a defensive shooter as well as getting started as a personal defense instructor.
Personal Defense Network (PDN) will host another round of #PDNLIVE on Wednesday, April 27, 2016 from 8:00pm-9:00pm Central Time.
Rob Pincus Talks About Fighting Back Against a Spree Killer Tonight on For The Record.
Rob Pincus and special guests give fans the opportunity to ask, and get answered, on the topic of self defense firearms training and practice…
This month’s topic of #PDNLIVE is a free-for-all with Rob Pincus.
Chris Fry of Modern Defensive Training Systems will join Pincus. This month’s topic is ‘Improvised and Low-Profile Defense Tools…
The PDN 2015 Training Tour consisted of over 60 classes taught in more than 30 cities on a dozen different topics by 11 instructors.
Alessandro Padovani of Safer Faster Defense will join PDNLIVE and Rob Pincus. This month’s topic is Self Defense and the Blade…
Executive Director Rob Pincus and special guests give fans the opportunity to ask, and get answered, on the topic of self defense firearms training and practice…
In support of the New Jersey Second Amendment Society, I’ll be selling and signing books to raise money for this organization that is fighting to regain rights for citizens in my original home state.