Sam Hoober makes the case that there’s no time like the present for snubnose revolvers or wheelguns for everyday carry…
Police Handgun Trade-Ins & Used Law Enforcement Pistols, What To Know Before Buying
Sam Hoober describes why getting a police handgun trade-Ins or used law enforcement pistols can get you a decent gun for the money & what to avoid.
Short Barrel Ammo Why You Need it in a Subcompact Handgun
Gun writer, Sam Hoober, reinforces the point, if you carry a short-barrel handgun, you need short barrel ammo for it to be effective.
Does It Matter If Gun Parts Are MIM v. CNC Machined?
It’s true that the finest of dimensions require CNC machining…but it matters less than you think.
Import 1911 Pistols, Bargains or Boondoggles? You Might be Surprised ~ VIDEO
If you’re looking into the 1911 platform but don’t necessarily want a show-quality gun, then import 1911 pistols provide great low price handgun options.
How Well Do Suppressors Work? Or is Hearing Protection Still Needed?
A gunshot is still going to sound like a gunshot; it just might be somewhat quieter. That said, how well do suppressors work?
Point Shooting – How The Gun Gurus Were Able To Do It
The thesis is that handgun sights on older pistols weren’t as good as they are today, which is why so many old-timers used point shooting.
Gun Finishes: Do You Opt For Stainless, Cerakote or Not Bother?
Alien Gear’s Sam Hoober touches whether opting for additional premium gun finishes is worth it on your next everyday carry gun.
TriStar Viper Max Shotgun in Reatree Max-5HD Camo ~ Review & Bonus VIDEO
Alien Gear Holsters’ Sam Hoober reviews the TriStar Viper Max Shotgun, in the 3-½” semi-auto model in Reatree Max-5HD Camo.
Why You Really Should Get A .22lr Handgun
Alien Gear Holster’s Sam Hoober argues why you should have at least one .22LR handgun in your collection.
What Does ‘Match Grade’ as in Match Grade Ammo or Guns Actually Mean?
Match grade ammunition, match grade rifles? Alien Gear Holsters’ Sam Hoober debunks the phrase “match grade,” does the term have any useful meaning left?
TriStar T-100 Pistol aka Canik Shark-C – Gun Review ~ VIDEO
For concealed carry, the TriStar T-100 Pistol covers up very well with an IWB holster, and concealment with a high-ride OWB under an untucked shirt..
Turkish Firearms You Shouldn’t Overlook – Canik, Stoeger, Sarsilmaz ~ VIDEO
Alien Gear’s Sam Hoober relates how Turkish firearms makers have gotten incredibly popular in recent years and why they shouldn’t be overlooked.
Reproduction Revolvers as Self-Defense Guns? Yes You Can!
You absolutely could use a repro revolver as a defensive pistol. Many Reproduction Revolvers would make a good open carry or nightstand guns.
Best Full Size Handguns for Concealed Carry & What Makes Them So Good
Sam Hoober lays out what makes for a good full-size gun for CCW and his pick of the best full sized handguns for concealed carry.
. 40 Caliber Handguns – Why Right Now Is A Good Time To Buy
Alien Gear Holsters’ Sam Hoober lays out the case to buy a .40 caliber handgun despite 9mm being so much more popular these days.
Series 70 vs Series 80 1911 Handguns : Which Should I Get?
Alien Gear Holsters’ Sam Hoober lays out the differences, positives and negatives of the Series 70 vs Series 80 1911 pistol designs.
.45 ACP Revolvers, Why You Need One in Your Arsenal
Sam Hoober of Alien Gear Holsters and Bigfoot Gun Belts makes the case for a softer-shooting big-bore wheel gun,,, .45 ACP Revolvers.
Liberals: Hey, Let’s Form Our Own Tea Party To Fight Trump-LockNLoad Radio
I believe I have a serious chracter flaw. I must confess that I am higly entertained by the flailing about of both the Fakestream Media and the Clueless Left.
Why Trump Will Win-LockNLoad Radio
Why Trump Will Win
Guns come into New York from states with weak gun laws: new report
Alarm Spreading Over Clinton Threat to Bill of Rights
Hillary Goes On Nonsensical Gun Control Tear At Debate-LockNLoad Radio
‘Hillary Goes On Nonsensical Gun Control Tear At Debate
What A Trump Victory Truly Means for America
The Cruel Irony of Hillary Clinton’s “Pro-Women” Stance
There Is Some Good News-LockNLoad Radio
There Is Some Good News
Source: FBI Agents On Clinton Email Case ‘Disgusted’ With Comey’s Decision To Not File Charges Against Hillary
Tragedy’s Playbook- LockNLoad Radio
Tragedy’s Playbook
John Legend Says US Can’t Enact ‘Unconstituional’ Gun Control Because NRA & 2nd Amendment Get in the Way
Carry a Backup Gun? Reasons For & Against
Should you carry a Backup Gun? That is question in today’s short discussion, lets look at a few of the pros and cons of having a backup gun.