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AmmoLand News Image Copyright Claims & Terms

AmmoLand Inc. DMCA and Copyright Infringement Policy

Respect for Original Content

AmmoLand Inc., operating as AmmoLand News (, highly respects original images and content rights. We strive to avoid negatively impacting copyright owners. In the rare chance that we have impacted an owner’s copyrighted property, this page provides direct and swift assistance in crediting, replacing, or removing any content.


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If you believe your copyright-protected work was posted on AmmoLand Inc. without authorization, you may submit a DMCA copyright infringement notification. These requests should only be submitted by the copyright owner or an agent authorized to act on the owner’s behalf.

You can find our Registered DMCA Agent information online here:

DMCA Notice Requirements:

  1. Identify the material on the site that you claim is infringing, with enough detail so that we may locate it on the website.
  2. A statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
  3. A statement by you declaring under penalty of perjury that (1) the above information in your Notice is accurate, and (2) that you are the owner of the copyright interest involved or that you are authorized to act on behalf of that owner.
  4. Your address, telephone number, and additional contact information.
  5. Your physical or electronic signature.

Send Notice to:

AmmoLand Inc.
C/O Image Content Legal
P.O Box 700003
Wabasso, Florida 32970
The United States of America

AmmoLand Inc. fully complies with the notice and take-down provisions of Sections 512(c) and (g) of the United States Copyright Act.

Image or Content Infringement Notification:

If you believe your copyright-protected work was posted on without authorization or proper licensing, you may submit a copyright infringement notification. These requests should only be submitted by the copyright owner or an agent authorized to act on the owner’s behalf.

Submission Process:

The fastest and easiest way to notify AmmoLand News of alleged copyright infringement is via direct certified mail. See the steps to submit a Notice of Copyright Claim below.

Copyright or DMCA Discovery Process:

AmmoLand Inc. welcomes all copyright owners or agents authorized to act on the owner’s behalf to freely review through natural human navigation to confirm that all images or content are properly credited or licensed.

Automated Crawling and Fees:

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AmmoLand Inc. does not allow unauthorized machine tools access to our domain. Examples include Pixsy, Copytrack, TinEye, Google Images, etc. Unauthorized machine crawls of our online website, files, or digital network are a substantial drain on our resources. Unauthorized access incurs a fee of $0.25 per digital unit to review our entire digital network.

Machine crawlers are banned by default from accessing our digital network unless given specific access permission by completing the agreement/request form found below and receiving written confirmation and a crawl invoice. Once the invoice is paid in full, a crawl date will be scheduled. AmmoLand Inc. maintains a private list of approved crawlers.

Any users or claimants making use of robot crawler services against our website that claim to be unaware of these charges note this is not a valid excuse for due diligence or non-payment and will be charged the full access fee or fees regardless of the outcome of any claims or claim submissions.

All charges are due in 30 days from the date AmmoLand Inc. has knowledge of a crawler accessing our digital network or when a request is properly submitted, approved, and invoiced as per the instructions below. Accounts not paid within 30 days are subject to a 1.5% monthly finance charge or 18% per annum as well as a $1000.00 monthly account maintenance fee for accounts in arrears, and late fees are subject to future finance charges. By accessing our online digital network, whether or not it results in the submission of any claim, you agree to reimburse AmmoLand Inc. for all charges, in addition to expenses or attorney fees as a result of enforced collections for unpaid balances. If you have mistakenly used a machine crawler against our website without AmmoLand Inc.’s permission, please contact us through the procedures below to request a proper invoice; please include the date of all past or future machine crawl access sessions and the number of copyright units you represent.

Caution: Due to the size of our digital network, and regarding the cost of accessing our digital network through the use of machine tools, it is common that access fees can easily exceed the amount of any alleged copyright-unit claims. In that case, free human-navigation would be the best option for discovery and licensing checks.

(For the purpose of this document, “Digital Units” are any and all individual images, pages, documents, navigation pages, forms, charts, or files appearing on AmmoLand Inc. servers or CDN. “Copyright Units” are defined as any single image, artwork, graphic, photograph, digital design, writing, document, or PDF regardless of the current copyright status.) All contact with AmmoLand Inc. regarding copyright claims is an acknowledgment and agreement to these terms, and access payment is due within 30 days of contact or as stipulated above.

Scan Charge Calculation:

(((Current Number of AmmoLand Inc. Digital Units X Current AmmoLand Inc. Unit Access Fee) X Total Copyright Units Represented) X Number of Machine Crawls)

Machine crawlers are banned by default from accessing our digital network unless given specific access permission by completing the agreement/request form found below and receiving written confirmation and a crawl invoice. Once the invoice is paid in full, a crawl date will be scheduled. AmmoLand Inc. maintains a private list of approved crawlers.

Any users or claimants making use of robot crawler services against our website that claim to be unaware of these charges note this is not a valid excuse for due diligence or non-payment and will be charged the full access fee or fees regardless of the outcome of any claims or claim submissions.

All charges are due in 30 days from the date AmmoLand Inc. has knowledge of a crawler accessing our digital network or when a request is properly submitted, approved, and invoiced as per the instructions below. Accounts not paid within 30 days are subject to a 1.5% monthly finance charge or 18% per annum as well as a $1000.00 monthly account maintenance fee for accounts in arrears, and late fees are subject to future finance charges. By accessing our online digital network, whether or not it results in the submission of any claim, you agree to reimburse AmmoLand Inc. for all charges, in addition to expenses or attorney fees as a result of enforced collections for unpaid balances. If you have mistakenly used a machine crawler against our website without AmmoLand Inc.’s permission, please contact us through the procedures below to request a proper invoice; please include the date of all past or future machine crawl access sessions and the number of copyright units you represent.

Submitting a Notice of Copyright Claim:

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Due to the volume of email, spam, and the number of contact emails in today’s modern world, the fastest and easiest way to notify AmmoLand Inc. of alleged infringement is via direct certified mail through the U.S. Postal Service sent to the following address:


AmmoLand Inc.
C/O Image Content Legal
P.O Box 700003
Wabasso, Florida 32970
The United States of America
Hours: M – F 9:00am – 4:00pm EST

All communication with AmmoLand Inc. over image or content claims will only be addressed if received through certified mail.

Violations of Terms

AmmoLand Inc. reserves the right to seek all remedies available at law and in equity for violations of these Terms, including the right to block access to the Site and seek damages.



About These Terms

If there is any inconsistency between these Terms and any additional terms we may add, the additional terms will prevail. These terms govern the relationship between AmmoLand Inc. and all users of the site. They do not create any third-party beneficiary rights. If you do not comply with these Terms and we do not take action immediately, this does not mean we are forfeiting any rights that we may have. If any particular term is not enforceable, this will not affect any other Terms.

Robot Crawler Access Request

  • Please provide complete contact info, including name, business information, address, phone number, crawler identification information & number of images you represent? Due to the number of spam entries, if you fail to provide all the aforementioned requested information we will assume you are a machine entry and will not reply.