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Subscribe to AmmoLand Daily Digest Email Subscription

The Ammoland Daily Digest email is sent to subscribers every day excluding Sunday.  Each email will contain excerpts of the previous days publishing.  Just click on the title or image in the email and it will take you to the new article on Ammoland.  Subscribers may wish to white list the email address [email protected] to prevent Ammoland daily digest from ending up in your spam box.

Email Privacy Policy

How can I stop receiving email from Ammoland?

Each email sent by the Ammoland subscription service contains an easy, automated way for you to immediately cease receiving emails from this site. If you wish to stop receiving the email, simply click the unsubscribe link in the email footer. Alternately you can simply hit reply to any email you receive from us and tell us to remove you from all emails and we will gladly remove any email address from our lists manually.

How can I make sure Ammoland daily digest does not go to spam?

With email clients like Gmail, or Yahoo! Mail, who are you going to call when you stop getting Ammoland email daily digest? You can get the email you want by whitelisting an email address with Gmail, or Yahoo! Mail. This guide explains how to do that.

Will this subscription enable me to comment on an article comment section?

No, the daily digest email subscription is completely separate from the comment registration.  If your looking to set up a comment registration profile so you can comment on Ammoland go here: