Buzz Mills Drops Out of Race For Arizona Governor

Gunsite’s Buzz Mills Drops Out of Race For Arizona Governor
Will remain active in conservative politics.

Buzz Mills
Buzz Mills

PAULDEN, AZ – -( “I entered the race for governor because the solutions being proposed to solve the state budget and economic crisis were grossly misguided. Higher taxes, unsustainable spending, and more debt will continue to depress job creation in Arizona and delay a recovery. There is no doubt in my mind that fiscal and economic issues are the most important issues facing Arizonans.

“My goal was to offer a clear alternative to career politicians who were running on higher taxes and more spending. Under normal circumstances strong fiscal conservatives do well in Republican primary contests. I liked my chances. Unfortunately, these aren’t normal circumstances.

“SB1070 has regrettably taken the focus off of job creation and fixing the state budget. So even though the chasm between Brewer’s policies and mine is dramatic, SB1070 has politically mitigated those issues. I have therefore decided to suspend the campaign.

“I cannot express enough my heartfelt gratitude to all of those who supported my campaign. The volunteers who fanned across this state worked tirelessly to support me and our platform, and I will never be able to return the favor.

“Of the many lessons learned, I believe now more than ever in the importance of electing strong fiscal conservatives. The state’s budget needs to be cut and the policies of higher taxes and deficit spending replaced by pro-growth fiscal policies.

“So, after a short respite at the Ranch, I’ll be back to advance the cause.”

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Bob Motta

I cannot understand how SB1070 effected your decision to drop out.

Your explanation said nothing. My guess is that you do not have the

courage nor cajones for a good fight.

Buz Brigade

I was a volunteer for the Buz Mills campaign and I too was very disappointed to hear that he was suspending his campaign. I talked to the campaign staff last week and they assured me that he name WILL be on the ballot and he will still collect votes. I have started a facebook group keeping Buz's name in the conversation. My page has already gotten buzz (pun intended) in the media. Please join me on the web fighting to make Buz Mills our next governor!

C.A. Wallace

Buz Mills:

You certainly deserve a rest at the ranch. I only hope during

that time you will see how desperately Arizona needs you and

fiscal management skills. Now the only Republicans on the ticket

are responsible for the current problems!!!!!!!!

Sorry Lynn, I have to agree with Phil even tho I am a blonde as


Lynn Harper

Mr. Mills,

So sorry to hear you're dropping out. You are the third candidate I've been interested in to drop out. My signs were stolen from my yard last night and they left yours. They must have know that you already dropped out. I just learned it.

Phil…didn't like the blonde reference in your comment! Let's do away with the blond jokes. Its not true or nice to demean people because of their hair color!

Lynn, a blonde

Phil Giles

It's sad to hear that you've decided to dropped out of the race. You're the only one that could have strighten out this mess. Please rethink it over. I realalize , now that Brewer is a true blonde. She would sign any thing including urinating in the streets. I wonder how the police departments are dealing with the concealed gun issue without permits nor a license to carry these weapons. She's made a big deal on the 1070A —– Big deal —– There is more aliens coming to the United States daily and are welcomed. Many are killers, thiefs, conman… Read more »