California Rifle and Pistol Association

Meet the New California Rifle and Pistol Association

California Rifle and Pistol Association (CRPA)

Fullerton, CA – –(– Founded way back in 1875, the California Rifle and Pistol Association (CRPA) is an organization of sportsmen dedicated to the preservation of our American heritage. In this age of constant political attacks on the rights of law-abiding citizens to own and use firearms for legitimate purposes, the CRPA is the state organization dedicated to protecting firearm freedoms and promoting shooting sports solely in the State of California.

CRPA’s lobbyist in Sacramento fights adverse firearms legislation and advances laws that will protect your rights.

CRPA’s Counsel for Litigation and Local Affairs files appropriate litigation against the state or cities that pass unconstitutional or illegal ill-conceived gun control laws, monitors local legislative efforts, and mobilizes CRPA’s resources to oppose those efforts as necessary.

CRPA’s monthly publication, The Firing Line and website, keep its members abreast of current legislative and shooting news, as well as offering a public forum so members can express their views in print.

Though the CRPA is the official state association of the National Rifle Association, the CRPA is a stand alone California non-profit corporation, independently controlled by its own Board of Directors. CRPA’s members include: law enforcement officers, prosecutors, professionals, firearm experts, the general public, and loving parents.

Historically, the CRPA has played an important role in promoting the shooting sports by conducting state championship matches for adults and young shooters, teaching firearms safety, and supporting state teams to the national championships each year.

Their Mission is:
To oppose any actions which the Association believes infringe upon the right of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United State of America.

To oppose any actions which the Association believes infringe upon the inalienable rights of the individual citizen to defend life and liberty, to protect property, and to pursue and obtain safety as guaranteed by Article I, Section I of the Constitution of the State of California.

To impart to the general public a better knowledge of the proper use and care of firearms and each citizen’s rights as to such use.

To provide educational information to the public regarding firearms use and abuse.

To make Association facilities available to the public for training in firearms use and to encourage more active participation by the general public in organized firearms sportsmanship events.

To work with other sportsmen and wildlife groups to ensure proper management and respect for our wildlife resources and to encourage public education concerning these resources.

To sponsor public events which contribute to public awareness of the proper use of firearms and the spirit of cooperation and discipline that is derived from that activity.

To sponsor safe and intelligent legislation to support firearms education and proper use, wildlife conservation and management, and other matters relating to firearms use in California.

To sponsor Association teams to compete in National Rifle Association (NRA) and Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) National Championships.

Member Benefits and Services


1. Represents California firearms owners.
2. Defends the right to self-defense.
3. Fights crime and violence.
4. Gets your message out.
5. Trains gun owners.
6. Promotes safe gun ownership & use.
7. Sanctions championship shooting competitions.
8. Protects the hunting and shooting sports.
9. Keeps you informed.

With Your Membership in the CRPA You Will:

Receive the informative monthly magazine, The Firing Line. It’s timely, educational and has the information you’ve asked for, want and need.

Learn about the most recent voting records of political candidates – know who your pro-gun representatives are – it’s your valuable election guide.

Obtain for Free a copy of Know Your California Gun Laws, It’s a Matter of Safety and Frequently Asked Questions Booklet, your CRPA Member decal and membership card.

Participate in CRPA supported State competitive shooting events

Protect your right to keep and use firearms – for sports, hobby, and peace of mind.

Maintain your right to self-defense – protect yourself when no one else will.

Honor America’s firearms heritage – It’s your constitutional legacy.

Fight fanatical firearms restrictions – Your voice does make a difference.

Promote and supports organized, competitive and recreational shooting activities.

Support the only California-based gun owner’s rights organization with a full-time, salaried legislative advocate in Sacramento.

Combat firearms abuse through enhanced criminal penalties and law enforcement.

Support youth firearm activities such as the Jr. Olympics Training Camps, Junior State Championships and safety training.

Join Today by calling 1-800-305-2772 or visiting their

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Melvin Cossairt

I am looking for information for a friend that is in his 90’s and would like information about the possibility of donating his gun collection for a museum in Calif. before his estate is passed on to the heirs.