USA -(Ammoland.com)- Leaders in the NC General Assembly will advance pro-Second Amendment bills if they know they have the support of voters like you…
It’s absolutely true. Legislators are often anxious about supporting pro-Second Amendment legislation for fear of the political fallout threatened by the anti-gun crowd.
Yet, in the past, many legislators found the courage to support gun rights legislation once they learned of the high level of support they had from pro-gun voters like you.
It is once again legislative season, and there are several pro-Second Amendment bills being considered in the NC General Assembly (GA).
However, for these bills to continue moving toward passage, it’s imperative that law-abiding gun owners encourage leadership, and assure them they are doing the right thing.
The pro-Second Amendment bills that leadership are encouraged to move are as follows:
- Constitutional Carry
- Concealed carry on UNC and community college campuses by permit-holders
- Elimination of the Jim Crow-era pistol purchase permit (PPP) system
- Clarification of concealed handgun permit eligibility for veterans
- More pro-Second Amendment bills to be filed soon!
Encourage & Support Leadership:
Below, see how you can easily send a note to legislative leaders in Raleigh. Express your gratitude for the pro-Second Amendment bills they’ve supported in the past, and encourage them to heroically move these new bills.
With courage gathered from your positive feedback, the legislature is sure to push gun rights in the proper direction during this legislative session.
EMAIL NC HOUSE LEADERS: Use the copy/paste email list below under ‘Contact Info,’ and the copy/paste email provided under ‘Deliver This Message’.
CONTACT INFO: Copy/Paste email list for House Leadership:
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Suggested Subject:
“Be a Hero: Support Passage of 2017 Second Amendment-related bills”
Dear House Leadership Members:
I would first like to thank you for the past support you’ve given to pro-Second Amendment legislation. Without you, law-abiding gun owners in North Carolina could not have achieved all that we have over the last several years. Your support for gun rights in our state has not gone unnoticed, and I have been very pleased with your actions and your votes.
Once again, the legislative season is upon us, and so now is your chance to be a hero by supporting passage of 2017 Second Amendment-related bills. There are several pro-Second Amendment bills currently under consideration, and I encourage you to assertively advance these bills.
Win, lose or draw, law-abiding gun owners need to know that we can count on your overall support, your votes in committee, and your vote and support for final passage on the House floor.
- The bills in question include:
- Constitutional carry
- Concealed carry on UNC and community college campuses by permit-holders
- Elimination of the Jim Crow-era pistol purchase permit system
- Clarification of concealed handgun permit eligibility for veterans
- More pro-Second Amendment bills to be filed soon
As you move these pro-Second Amendment bills toward passage, please be aware that you have the full support of our state’s gun rights voters.
I will be monitoring your actions on these bills through Grass Roots North Carolina legislative alerts.
As you know, GRNC is an all volunteer force. As such, we are looking for volunteers in a couple of areas:
WEB DEVELOPMENT: Experience in web development to include HTML, CSS & Java Scripting. If interested, contact GRNC President using the following contact form: https://www.grnc.org/contact
ALERT WRITING: Solid writing skills, ability to translate legal, political, technical and firearms jargon into layman’s terms and make the public care about the issue. Ability to manipulate HTML style emails on the code level is a nice to have. If interested, please contact GRNC using this e-mail address: [email protected]
If you have these skills, you can help the Second Amendment fight by enhancing and expanding GRNC’s presence, ensuring our message is received broadly in these modern times.
Don’t let your talents go to waste, as you could be the difference between gun-rights advancements and gun-rights losses.
Be the person who says, “I did something!” Instead of the person who says, “I should have done something.”
About Grass Roots North Carolina:
Grass Roots North Carolina is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to preserving the freedoms guaranteed us by the Bill of Rights. Our main focus is the right to keep and bear arms. GRNC was central to drafting and passing North Carolina’s concealed handgun law and since that time has continued to push for improvements to gun laws.
Visit their website.