AmmoLand Shooting Sports News is giving away FREE 2A Flashmob patches to every AmmoLand newswire reader that is subscribed to our popular email list.
2A Flashmob
Gun Grabbers Plan Blockade Of Lawful Gun Retailer
Once again, anti-gun fanatic Fr. Pfleger and his band of gun grabbers plans to descend on Chuck’s Gun Shop in an effort to get the shop to close down…
Marylanders – 2A Tuesday Is Here! #2ATuesday
This is NOT a protest. This is a gathering of civic-minded second amendment supporters, petitioning their government to uphold constitutional principles…
RSVP for the First Annual Minnesota Gun Owners Lobby Day on January 26th 2015!
At noon on Monday, January 26th 2015, gun owners from across the state will flood the Minnesota State Capitol to deliver a clear and powerful message…
Gun Grabbers Seek Shut Down Of Local Illinois Gun Shops, Boots on the Ground Needed
A coalition of gun grabbers including Sarah Brady’s Handgun Control Inc., the Bloomberg Moms, and militant priest Michael Pfleger recently announced a campaign to shut down 4 popular local gun shops..
Moms Demand Action Shills to Infect Iowa State Fair
We have just received word that the anti-gun Bloomberg organization Moms Demand Action is planning on crashing Joni Ernst’s appearance at the Iowa State Fair tomorrow, August 8 2014…
NY’s Arbalest Quarrel & Seneca Sporting Range To Hold August Pro-Gun Rally
Now is the time to gather together in solidarity and show elected officials we’re not going to tolerate the loss of rights guaranteed to us under our sacred Bill of Rights…
Gun Rights Groups To Rally Against Anti-Gunners in Media, PA
This counter rally will then move to the sidewalk opposite the Providence Friends Meeting House where the anti-gun rights pressure groups will hold their event…
Come Protest the Bloomberg Mom’s New Jersey Propaganda Movie Tour
Gun banners and Freedom haters are not wasting any time putting that Bloomberg money to use staging events all over New Jersey touting the documentary “Shell Shocked” by John Richie…
IL Gun Grabbers Try To Shut You Up & Shut You Down, Immediate Action Required
Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence along with Anti-Gun State Representative Elaine Nekritz are planning a public meeting to build support for legislative restrictions on Illinois new concealed carry law…
NJ2AS Leaders Invited to Join Connecticut Rally
Subjected to suffocating limitations on their Constitutionally-protected rights, the citizens of Connecticut are staging a gun rights rally in front of their capitol building this Saturday…
Maryland, No 2A Rally Wednesday – Just Hearings & Testimony
This is to remind you about the upcoming Gun Bill Day in the Senate this coming Wednesday, February 26 2014….
Illinois Gun Owner Lobby Day Wed. March 5, 2014
Now, more than ever, your voice is needed at the State Capitol! Join the largest Right to Carry march in history…
Arizona Citizens Defense League Announces Legislative Activism Raffle
This year we are expecting to see the introduction of legislation to repeal every firearms related freedom we’ve regained over the last 9 years…
Virginia Citizens Defense League 2014 Lobby Day
Every year on the Third Monday in January the Virginia Citizens Defense League holds their annual Lobby Day. This day is also Martin Luther King Day so turnout should be high…
More Obama Anti-Gun Regulation Comment Window is Closing. Act Now
The Obama administration has proposed changes to regulations dealing with the transfer of legally owned full-auto guns and items like short-barreled rifles and silencers. Please don’t delay, we need to have our voices heard…
Hash Tag #gunrightsthug For Life
Certain liberal wack-job mothers have been calling me a Gun Thug. Claiming that I scare them with my vocal gun toting freedom loving rants on social media…
Support Freedom – Become an Activist, Arizona Citizens Defense League
Your active involvement and support are vital if you want to help restore, protect and preserve your right to keep and bear arms in Arizona. Without your support, AzCDL’s influence on the legislature is weakened…
Student Activists Organize 2A Rally Featuring NY Assemblyman Mclaughlin, Stand Up For Your Rights
Members of the Young Americans for Liberty Chapter at SUNY Albany to host pro-gun Demonstration on SUNY Albany Campus…
MKS Supply’s Donation Supports the 2A FlashMob
MKS Supply, the U.S. distributor of Hi-Point and Chiappa firearms arms, has made a donation in support of the 2A Flashmob…
Massachusetts Rally for 2A Rights September 13th 2013
Please join us in solidarity and help us send a strong message to the committee in support of our Second Amendment Rights…
Gun Control Extremists Plan Saturday Attack on Starbucks
Irritated by Starbucks’ decision to remain neutral and not ban lawful carry, anti-Second Amendment organizations have developed plans to boycott the chain this Saturday…
Join Free Montanans to Protest the Bloomberg Anti-Gun Show Bus Tour
Here’s our tentative Plan for the Bloomberg Anti-Gun Show protest at the University of Montana, Thursday July 25th 2013…
Join Rocky Mountain Gun Owner’s Counter Protest of Mayor Bloomberg’s Gun Control Bus Tour
Join us for a peaceful ‘counter-rally’ with other gun rights supporters across Colorado to tell gun-grabber Bloomberg to keep his hands off of our Constitutional rights…
Virginia’s Lafayette Gun Club Needs Our Help Tonight – 2A Mob Approved Event
One of Virginia’s largest gun clubs, the Lafayette Gun Club is trying to make some changes to its facility and needs to pack the house at a York County Planning Commission tonight…
TURN ALBANY UPSIDE-DOWN 2nd Amendment Freedom Rally – 2A Flashmob Approved
The New York State Rifle and Pistol Association along with many other pro gun and pro freedom groups will be holding a rally against the NY SAFE Act, June 11th 2013. This event is 2A Mob Approved…
NJ2AS Pro-Gun Twitter Campaign – Receives 2A FlashMob Approval
Our friends at Ammoland Shooting Sports News have made a very generous offer. Any active NJ2AS Twitter member will be eligible for a FREE 2A Flashmob Patch..
Gun Rally is a Go For Saturday, April 20th 2013 in Hartford CT
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League, is hosting a Gun Rally uniting gun owners from across the state, and to lay out plans to challenge the new anti-gun law that recently passed…
Anti Gun Org to Demonstrate in Bozeman MT Area – Noon Friday – Counter Protesters Needed
Mayor Bloomberg is attempting to organize a protest in Bozeman at Senator Max Baucus’s office to criticize Max for voting AGAINST enhanced gun-buy background checks…
My GunCulture & Tom Mchale – 2A Flashmob Approved
Gun blog “My GunCulture” and its comedic master Tom Mchale have been awarded the 2A Flashmob Seal of Approval…