American Militias are as crucial to our Republic as is freedom of speech. Now is the time to begin overturning laws that ban the formation of private militias.
The Heritage of American Militias

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
American Militias are as crucial to our Republic as is freedom of speech. Now is the time to begin overturning laws that ban the formation of private militias.
A significant change is happening in the historic town of Safed, Israel. Once known for its ancient Jewish mysticism, this town is now a hub for civilian armament.
Comparing the structure of the Second Amendment to other constitutional rights reveals a consistent theme: the protection of individual freedoms.
We are the well-regulated militia the Framers had in mind when they wrote the Second Amendment. It is time to accept that responsibility.
What part of “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State” does Vermont Governor Phil Scott not like?
This is propaganda, which is designed to alter public opinion and perception, and Bloomberg’s propagandists have always played the long game.
The barber has no plans of closing his doors and is risking arrest. The lines to get haircuts stretches to the streets, and supporters surround the shop.
If this lawsuit is successful, it could have far-reaching implications when it comes to the militia clause of the Second Amendment.
To tie the right into the notion of a “militia” or into the he National Guard, which is essentially a part of a “standing army”, the very thing the framers sought to be a guard against..
President Donald Trump issues an executive order to activate the militia, calling on all militia members to carry weapons during their daily activities.