McRees Precision, a Greenwood-based company, is proud to announce that co-owner, Scott McRee turned heads and brought home multiple awards from the 2015 .50-Caliber World Championships, held on…..
Check out Jerry doing a record 6 shots in under 1 second with the Barrett M107 50 caliber rifle…
A lot of people don’t know this, but we have a contract with the Navy for the .50 Cal Vortex Flash Hider…
Yesterday the New Jersey Legislature finalized its anti-second amendment legislative package, including in it an outright ban of the .50 BMG…
To celebrate their 30th year, Barrett has crafted a one-of-a-kind rifle patterned after their new M107A1 .50 caliber.
The burn charts show them to be ideal for 50 caliber reloading, as they are in the same range as H860, H870, 5010 & 50 BMG…
Look for videos of the big .50 BMG in action, photo galleries of .50-caliber ammunition, articles on shooting the behemoth and its half-inch handgun cousin and more…
As special agent in charge of Chicago’s ATF field division, Traver had taken the lead in calling for a ban on semiautomatic firearms…
The rifles come with a 30” K&P Fluted, match grade barrel as well as an adjustable buttstock assembly, and a newly released .408 suppressor…
ArmaLite proudly celebrates the 10th anniversary of its legendary AR-50A1 with a special offering. We have made just FIFTY 50’s in a one-of-a-kind color custom powder coating color process in silver-black crackle finish…
ArmaLite’s R&D people have put a lot of thought and effort into making the AR-50A1™ rock solid and precise…
Steyr Arms is pleased to announce that for a limited time you can buy an HS .50 for $3,995….
When deploying a .50 BMG rifle in any trouble situation, silence is the key to keeping the operator safe and hidden…
Zel Custom Mfg. Releases Gen-3 Tactilite Rifle
Thor Global Defense Group MKV-NV ‘Nemesis’ .50Bmg A new .50 BMG rifle may be a dime a dozen with the current market and new companies forming every day, but every so often, something fresh, unique and
Laserlyte Kryptonyte .50 Bmg Green Laser Cartridge Bore Tool
Tactilite .50 BMG AR-15 Conversion Kit Announced