The NRA Special Litigation Committee has doggedly defended the exorbitant billings to the tune of multiple-millions of dollars and foot-dragging of attorney Brewer.
NRA Members: Voting Matters ~ Your Votes vs Their Votes
![NRA Board Election Ballot Vote](
America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
The NRA Special Litigation Committee has doggedly defended the exorbitant billings to the tune of multiple-millions of dollars and foot-dragging of attorney Brewer.
Marion Hammer, the first female president of the National Rifle Association and veteran gun rights lobbyist in Florida as head of the Unified Sportsmen of Florida (USF), has resigned from the NRA Board of Directors.
Another major area of concern for many NRA members who have followed this case, is the issue of the NRA’s overpriced outside counsel, Brewer Attorneys and Counselors.
Unlike the NRA, we don’t make “deals” for candidate ratings. They get what they deserve: no more, no less. The net result is politicians who vote right.
Being polite and showing respect never hurts Second Amendment advocacy. How did Biden’s verbal abuse of his political opponents in the last two weeks work out for him? Don’t be like Joe.
Second Amendment Patriots if you have access to information & if you want to blow the whistle on someone or something, AmmoLand News is ready to help you expose the truth.
Activism in defense of our rights may require some risk minimization.
We should work to remove gun control from the agenda of all major political parties in the United States. Given the number of gun owners in our country, this is not an unreasonable goal.
This year, voters have a simpler choice than they’ve had in decades. Either you blindly believe that “orange-man-bad” and must be stopped at any cost, or you vote R.
We’ve all seen that Elmer has had his gun banned. So maybe your double barrel is not safe, nor grandpa’s old bolt action rifle. You can not hide from the gun-banners or the fight.
Here are several things you need to know if coming to the Virginia Citizens Defense League Lobby Day on January 20th at the State Capital.
There are more gun owners than there are Republicans, if we get just 3% more to show up for elections, we’ll have the votes to protect our rights.
It’s not beyond local governments to spread disinformation when their agenda is to try and skirt state law, just because they don’t like the law. It seems where they vehemently don’t like the law is..
You cannot figure out how to achieve our objective unless you are aware of the current situation. Only then can you figure out how to get there from here.
The haters and politicians are VERY honest. Their goal is to destroy the “gun culture” in America. That means an end to all recreational shooting and hunting and gun ownership.
I decided to turn negative attacks on my beliefs into an opportunity to advocate for the Second Amendment because the left has gotten away with trying to silence the right for too long.
AmmoLand Shooting Sports News is looking to flood the internet with 100 NEW Pro-gun Memes. That is why we need your help, humor, and sarcasm…
The documentary motion picture, GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS – How the Second Amendment Can Stop Mass Shootings & needs your grass roots support to reach completion..
In case you missed it, the NRA will be having a National Day of Action on Saturday, August 27th 2016!
Your NRA-ILA Campaign Field Representative is recruiting volunteers to: register voters, make phone calls, knock on doors, generate letters to the editor & more.
Many of those who are not typically thought of as gun enthusiasts are becoming more involved with guns and their right to keep and bear arms.
Could you do a better job in the North Carolina General Assembly than what we’ve seen over the last couple of years? We want to hear from you…
Lyle Durrer, who owns the Big Iron Outdoors gun show has decided to open an outdoor gun range in Ruckersville because there are no other ranges open to the public…
Attend FREE NRA-ILA Grassroots Workshop at Gander Mountain in Cedar Rapids!
We’ve all heard this sad song before. “I would like to help.. but I don’t want to be on a list.” It doesn’t matter whether you’re on a list once the US government can blatantly ignore human rights.
Texas Second Amendment advocate W. Scott Lewis is the recipient of Knife Rights’ 2015 Freedom’s Point Award…
Thank you for all the ways you support the right of self-defense. What could you do next? Here is a painless ladder of activism. It is how movements and leaders are made…