Unfortunately, it hasn’t been all wins for liberty. Some federal courts have continued to uphold firearm prohibitions that have no relationship to America’s historical tradition.
10th Circuit Sidesteps Bruen with Nonviolent Felon Ruling

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Unfortunately, it hasn’t been all wins for liberty. Some federal courts have continued to uphold firearm prohibitions that have no relationship to America’s historical tradition.
Minnesota residents should be aware that carrying a BB gun, rifle, or shotgun inside a vehicle without meeting the legal transport requirements could result in criminal charges.
The self-indulgence of the Hawaiian court has been blatant & unseemly. But 3 of the Supreme court’s leading 2nd Amendment Justices did not let the occasion pass without comment.
If Penny were black, there would have been no charges. If Neely were white, there would have been no charges. If both were black, or both were white, there would have been no charges.
Courts are making core mistakes that could seriously impact the future of lawful firearm ownership. Here’s a breakdown of some of the key points…
Second Amendment’s language covers the right to “keep and bear arms” for all citizens, including those aged 18 to 20. This ruling sidesteps the Supreme Court’s guidance….
If courts can uphold modern gun control laws without direct historical analogs, it could pave the way for more restrictive regulations that infringe upon Second Amendment rights.
Judge Jeremiah Lynch’s writing simply reeks of pro-government bias. He engages in stunning legal gymnastics to get to the conclusion he so obviously intends.
Montana gun owners should be shocked to hear that a federal court in the “East” believes that the Second Amendment only protects shooting at short distances.
Oregon lawmakers’ incessant urge to subjugate the people is truly insatiable, and Oregon’s judge’s blatant and arrogant disregard for the Supreme Court’s clear dictates is chilling.
In a stunning revelation, dissenting judges in the Bianchi case exposed the underhanded tactics of their majority counterparts within the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals undermining the 2nd Amendment…
Wait! What? The court is saying is that the government can ration the exercise of a Constitutionally-protected right, in this case, to just once every 90 days.
..“we were stunned. This declaration is so astonishing in its nature that the U.S. Supreme Court simply cannot allow one-tenth of the Bill of Rights to be arbitrarily erased…
They hide behind an alleged canon of judicial ethics saying they cannot comment on anything that might come before them on the court. So, voters are expected to buy a pig in a poke
Judge James C. Egan declared gun owners to be racist, anti-semitic, white supremacists in an unhinged rant against the people’s vote to create a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary…
An actual Judge of Cowlitz County, Washington, ruled the state’s ban on magazines holding over 10 rounds unconstitutional. Almost immediately a WA Court CLERK stayed Judge Basher’s decision…
Your very important rights have been increasingly dismantled by courts through the aggressive advocacy of “Soros” prosecutors nationwide….
The Montana Supreme Court has assumed the position of the political overlord of Montana. Nothing politically or socially significant is allowed to occur if the court disfavors it.
Retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen G. Breyer’s gaslighting of the U.S. Constitution, is an attempt to sway opinion that rights protected by the founding document aren’t applicable today…WTF?
The Fourth Circuit will likely rule against the Second Amendment advocates, either by upholding Maryland’s ban directly or remanding the case for further litigation….
Forfeit nearly $400 million to the state. This gargantuan punishment was not for any crime committed or harm caused by the defendants. Rather, it was government theft at its worst.
Temper tantrums may provide a temporary catharsis for weak-minded courts with low impulse control….
The federal appellate courts are behaving in an unlawful and increasingly ridiculous manner when it comes to semiautomatic firearm and magazine ban laws.
Lower courts have grown increasingly disdainful of the U.S. Supreme Court rulings & reasoning. Will SCOTUS assert its authority over these rogue courts?
That restriction”covers almost the entirety of every urban location in the USA, including places that have nothing to do with the closest school.”
The Hawaii State Supreme Court has “one-upped” New York for its brazenness, by declaring that there is no state constitutional right to carry a firearm in public.
A delusional federal judge in Colorado ruled that whatever the 2nd Amendment means, it does not include the right to buy a gun.
The Seventh Circuit set about contending that the AR-15 falls outside the definition of “bearable arms” discussed and protected in Heller…
The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals announced on Thursday that New Jersey possesses the authority to sue firearm manufacturers under its “public nuisance” law.
Federal Judge Brian C. Wimes has ruled the Missouri Second Amendment Protection Act (SAPA) is unconstitutional, Violates the Supremacy Clause. But how?