Everyone, left, right, and centered, now fully understood what the Democrats policies really meant, Danger For/To Us All. Normal Democrats, who were silently waiting for a smidgeon of reason, were.
We want to welcome the gun owners Class 0f 2020! The first 5 months of 2020, on a monthly basis, has broken every January, February, March, April, & May record of the past 10 years. The numbers are…
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). How could NEJM publish such obvious drivel? They wanted to frighten us into believing them…
“The Second Amendment is not about hunting deer or shooting at targets in the woods. Anybody who thinks that is nuts.”
Is the Federal Government, via the ATF Form 4473, desiring to create a future firearms list, or database, of firearm owners?
Virginia Democrats, on the other hand, slinked by, heads down, only quick glances, and hurried into the tunnel. Not one Democrat came over. It was a long walk of shame, for them.
If Virginians fail, and Dems successfully impose these restrictive laws and regulations on firearms owning Virginians, the way Gov. Cuomo did in New York State, the Democrats will be emboldened..
Democrats, ignored the benefits and magnified the disadvantages of civilian-owned weapons. They tried to frighten gun owners and non-gun owners alike into making poor choices based on emotion…
We cannot be disarmed. Government agents would soon find that the task is beyond their capabilities. If there are to be civil disturbances, gun owners will not be the losers.
What went on, might seem strange to us, almost insane or stupid. It’s what our left does that allow them to lie so constantly.
With the Trump pull out, of the United States, from the treaty, those who mistakenly believe that control of weapons sales can actually prevent genocide, crimes against women & children, are reacting
Our country is enduring an earthquake of lies that are so great and damaging, to the culture of freedom we hold so dear, that there is little solid ground upon which to stand.
The addition of 100,000’s of machine guns, mortars and assault weapons to the black market is the epitome of the incompetence and hypocrisy of the UN, and the proponents of the Arms Trade Treaty.
The time has come to ask some questions, because it’s obvious that the Democrat Party attempted to steal the election of 2016. What would have happened if they had succeeded?
We are now at that point. The trust required for rational, civil discourse has been broken. Discourse has been changed to epithet filled threats.
DGU is very common, far more common than has been recognized to date by criminologists or policymakers, and certainly far more common than one would think based on any official sources of information
The only thing 100% of American’s would agree on is what we really need is bogus polling and liar control.
The more we try to limit people’s access to guns or anything else, the more money goes into the pockets of criminals…
Let’s start with the term “assault rifles.” The LEFT has been messing with gun truths for decades. They twisted the truth to confuse, and frighten, the masses about “rifles.”
They have propped up an ignorant young pipsqueak to act as ‘pied piper’ to the youth of the country. He’s named gun owners who speak the truth as child murderers.
Americans are reasonable people, and those of us that are gun owners know that we are right, when it comes to the Right To Bear Arms..
The UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) began to show the spider cracks of failure. We knew it would happen, but not as rapidly as it did in the last annual meeting…
When the time came to chose between football or our flag and anthem, the answer was clear. We would no longer be bullied by the left..
Have we reached the point of disgust with the Left Wing, to what they want from us, can’t be had, as nothing will make them happy?
Apparently our elected officials, even Republicans, do not have the spine to protect our country, but they certainly have the will to destroy it.,
Too many citizens confuse a free lunch with our definition of a free people. They are afraid of our First Amendment & hateful of our Second Amendment..
At this point in our National history, the MSM has gone way beyond blurring the truth, and is delving into the fantasy mode of transmitting 90% fake news…
The American political life can never be the same. The time for compromise is over, and neither side is prepared to lose any social high ground to the other.
Donald Trump is methodically tearing at the intricately and systematically corrupted governmental system created by both the Republicans and the Democrats.
The kind of lying we hear daily is beyond anything we can fathom & remember. It’s a full-time job just to keep up with the pace of fake news by democrats, media & the turncoats in the GOP.