Kawasaki openly conspired during the April 30th Red Flag bill hearing to cut off Alaska Gun Rights members’ testimony while allowing Juneau gun haters to spew their gun-hating rhetoric and lies.
Two field geologists in Alaska. Both are women. Both encountered dangerous predatory black bears. One had a gun, one did not.
In 1939, Crist Kolby disappeared. In November of 1939, investigators found his remains. They concluded he had been killed and eaten by wolves, on Prince of Wales Island in Alaska.
Book review of “Handloggers” a biography of W. H. Jackson wife Ruth from the early 1900s to beyond statehood. Included is a excerpt of defense against a black bear attack using a walking stick.
This is a combined rifle and pistol stop of a bear attack. When shot, the bear left and then died. Neither hunter was injured by the bear.
A charging grizzly bear attack was stopped with a 10mm Glock pistol on Elmendorf-Richardson in September of 2018.
The executive and two human rights commissioners have resigned from the Alaska State Commission for Human Rights amid a scandal involving suppression of First and Second Amendment rights.
The government of Alaska is investigating Marti Buscaglia, head of the Alaskan Human Rights Commission, for the apparent chilling of First and Second Amendment rights.
On behalf of our nearly six million members across the country, the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund endorsed Mike Dunleavy for governor of Alaska.
In online discussions of bear attacks, it is not unusual for people to claim that a person is more likely to be killed by lightning than to be killed by a bear. That is true, in a gross sense.
Swab-its will be exhibiting at the Great Alaska Sportsman Show, March 30 through April 2 at the Sullivan & Ben Boeke Arenas in Anchorage.
“The fingerprints you submitted are not identical with those in a record used in the evaluation of your attempt to possess or receive a firearm”.
Girls in Alaska have fun learning to shoot pistols. The activity has become popular with teenage girls.
Hunter and writer, Tom Claycomb gives us a short review of the Mossberg Patriot Synthetic Rifle after a recent brown bear hunt in Alaska.
Nor is this the first time the Miller campaign has accused the establishment-funded Murkowski of using “dirty tricks” …
“Joe Miller’s commitment to the right to keep and bear arms is unwavering…”
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and its Obama-appointed director have issued new regulations closing 77 million acres of land (an area larger than 45 of the country’s 50 states) in…..
A killing at a remote Alaskan hunting camp shows how hard it is to guard against an attack by someone who has gained your trust.
The Alaska campus carry bill, SB 174, has passed out of committee and may be voted on in the Senate this week.
The Alaska campus carry bill, SB 174, as amended, gives the Board of Regents unprecedented power and immunity as ammended, but the Board wants more.
The Alaska campus carry bill, SB 174, has been amended to grant power and immunity to the Board of Regents.
This is major step toward eliminating “Gun Free Zones” at the University of Alaska and deserves our support…
A homeowner was in their house in Anchorage, Alaska when they heard a knock at the door.
To anyone, to everyone, I would like to remind you to not take anything for granted. Enjoy your lives and be an active and moving part of it, every day. Live your lives like the rock stars you are…
THe NRA increases the problem by failing to hold politicians like Begich accountable for Supreme Court and other confirmation votes that are grave threats to gun owners, suddenly it’s not Bloomberg.
To AMMOLAND readers from our ENTIRE Team! We wish for you, A Very Merry, Happy and Blessed Christmas and New Year…
When you are military and far from home during the holidays, having your “military family” for Christmas dinner is a wonderful experience…
The NRA, on behalf of our tens of thousands of Alaska members, thanks Governor Parnell for signing House Bill 24 into law…
After two years of effort, Alaska Governor Sean Parnell has signed HB33, Alaska’s Knife Rights Act, which enacts sweeping reform of Alaska’s knife laws…
The comprehensive Knife Rights Bill, and it is now on its way to Governor Sean Parnell. HB33 repeals the ban on the possession of switchblade knives and enacts Knife Law Preemption…