The legislation would repeal the current prohibition on the manufacture, ownership, possession, custody, and use of automatic knives..
American Knife & Tool Institute Commends LA House for Repeal of Automatic Ban

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
American Knife and Tool Institute
USA – -( American Knife & Tool Institute is the non-profit advocacy organization for the knife industry and all knife owners. Its mission is to ensure that Americans will always be able to make, buy, sell, own, carry and use knives and edged tools. Formed in 1998, AKTI is dedicated to educating, promoting and providing relevant and accurate information about knives and edged tools as important tools in daily American life. For more information, visit
The legislation would repeal the current prohibition on the manufacture, ownership, possession, custody, and use of automatic knives..
The American Knife & Tool Institute (AKTI) presented Senator Mike Crapo, R-ID with the “Common Sense Award” last week in Washington, D.C.
The legislation will repeal the Federal Switchblade Act of 1958, and allow consumers to purchase any automatic knife legal in their state.
Knife Advocacy Organization Chooses CJ Buck and John Sullivan to Continue as the Organization’s President and Vice President.
Knife Owners Will Have a New Federal Protection While Traveling under American Knife & Tool Institute’s Proposed Legislation
The AKTI today announced the introduction of the Interstate Transport Act (ITA), sponsored by Senators Mike Enzi, R-WY, and Ron Wyden, D-OR.
AKTI, a trade association representing the entire knife community, continues to address the problems of counterfeit knives for consumers and the industry.
The American Knife & Tool Institute is pleased to announce its second AKTI Giving Back event will be held on Friday evening, June 2rd in Atlanta, Georgia.
AKTI announced Governor Hickenlooper’s signature on the organization’s initiatives: to repeal Colorado’s prohibition of automatic and gravity knives.
AKTI announced the House Judiciary Committee’s passage of Colorado SB 17-008, legislation to repeal the prohibition of automatic and gravity knives.
AKTI announced the passage of Colorado SB 17-008, which repeals the prohibition of automatic, gravity knives, by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
HB 1432 also removes automatic knives from the list of weapons the selling, bartering, giving, or furnishing of which is a Class 4 misdemeanor.
The American Knife & Tool Institute has announced the launch of a new and improved website.
The American Knife & Tool Institute (AKTI) today announced that its lobbying team has spent last week at the National Conference of State Legislatures’ (NCSL) annual Legislative Summit, being…..
Co-Founder and President of the American Knife & Tool Institute Honored for His Contributions to the Knife Community.
The American Knife & Tool Institute (AKTI) presented its inaugural Integrity Award to the BLADE Show and F+W for contributions to work against counterfeit knives.
The American Knife & Tool Institute (AKTI) is pleased to announce the first AKTI Giving Back event will be held on Friday evening, June 3rd in Atlanta, Georgia.
The American Knife & Tool Institute (AKTI) today announced its plans to increase its lobbying efforts in order to prompt reform of knife laws in 2016.
The American Knife & Tool Institute (AKTI) presented Senators Mike Enzi, R-WY, and Ron Wyden, D-OR, with the “Common Sense Award.”
Past documents have proved to be instrumental in explaining the impact the knife and tool industry has on American jobs and the economy.
The American Knife & Tool Institute (AKTI) – supported bill to ensure federal protection for lawful knife owners traveling between states has cleared another hurdle as the Senate Commerce, Science…
Custom knifemakers and knife companies will have an opportunity to learn what they need to know and do to protect their knife businesses, business name and products…
The legislation is a response to the current patchwork of state & local knife laws, which have increasingly presented problems to lawful knife owners during interstate travel…
Knife industry icon was an ardent supporter of the organization that represents the sporting knife and tool industry and the entire knife community…
Several years of work culminated this week in the introduction of a bill to remove all references to knives under Pennsylvania state law Section 908 “Prohibited Offensive Weapon.”
Thanksgiving is not just turkey and pie. It’s an opportunity to let you know that American Knife & Tool Institute is grateful for your support…
Complete and legally accurate knife law information is now available on the revised American Knife & Tool Institute website…
Knife Rights is pleased to welcome American Knife and Tool Institute’s support for Knife Rights’ signature legislation to protect the travels of law-abiding knife owners from conflicting local laws…
The right to carry a hunting knife or pocket knife while traveling should be protected, even if you pass through a city or state that isn’t knife friendly…
Rod Bremer, co-founder and President of Columbia River Knife & Tool in Oregon, was named president of the American Knife & Tool Institute…