“When the NYS Police encourage dealers to bypass the law, it’s either entrapment, incompetence, or a hack.” “There’s no good explanation for this kind of sudden, systemic issue.”
Communists (consulting their “List”) promptly went to specific addresses, broke into the homes of people on “The List,” and then systematically murdered them and their entire families.
This legislation would mandate that an ammunition buyer proves to an ammunition seller that they own a registered firearm in the caliber they are seeking to purchase each and every time they buy ammo.
SB 53 would require the purchasers of ammunition to register with the state Department of Justice prior to purchasing any ammunition. As well as ban online and mail-order sales of all ammunition…
Let the bells ring out and the banners fly – Canadian ammunition purchasers and handloaders have a champion in Natural Resources Canada…
The South San Francisco City Council is scheduled to consider an ordinance tonight that would impose sweeping ammunition restrictions on retailers and law-abiding gun owners…
Thank you to all members and readers who took the time to write and/or call legislators and the Governor…
California has produced a flurry of anti-gun second amendment rights killing bills in the name of reasonable gun control…
A bill introduced this week in New York would require sportsmen and gun owners to register their firearms when purchasing bullets…
All three of these bills posed a fundamental threat to the rights of gun owners. And there was no room for compromise any one of the bills…
AB 2358 would require that ammunition vendors transmit records of sale, information on the quantity and type of ammunition purchased, and the personal information of purchasers…
AB 2358 will not stop crime and will impose unnecessary restrictions on law-abiding Californians…
News that the City of San Francisco might consider an ammunition registry scheme brought a promise from the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms that a lawsuit would quickly follow…
2010 Maryland Gun Bills: Pre-filed, Expected and or Suspected
Governator And California Lawmakers Approve Firearm Owner Registration Scheme
Repeal The Handgun Ammunition Registration Bill AB 962
California Governor Signs AB962 Restricting Ammunition
Three Anti-Gun Bills on Governor’s Desk – Urge Governor to Veto Bills