In the post-Bruen legal landscape, courts have been grappling & failing with how to interpret the 2nd Amendment under new guidelines set by the Supreme Court.
How Has the Bruen Decision Impacted the 2nd Amendment Litigation Landscape? ~ DEEP DIVE

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
In the post-Bruen legal landscape, courts have been grappling & failing with how to interpret the 2nd Amendment under new guidelines set by the Supreme Court.
Wait! What? The court is saying is that the government can ration the exercise of a Constitutionally-protected right, in this case, to just once every 90 days.
They hide behind an alleged canon of judicial ethics saying they cannot comment on anything that might come before them on the court. So, voters are expected to buy a pig in a poke
Judge Benitez will have the opportunity to delve deeper into issues he’s passionate about, and that’s something we can all get behind.
Temper tantrums may provide a temporary catharsis for weak-minded courts with low impulse control….
Two more liberal justices are going be eligible for senior status/retirement very soon. If they retire, the balance of the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals would shift…
There is not much worse than being betrayed by someone who pretended to be a friend and Charles Mcburney is unfit to be a judge.
Judge Garland’s ruling now allows the DOJ to maintain an illegal “Audit Log,” of gun transaction records, that in turn creates an illicit federal gun registry..
If Obama’s nominee, Merrick Garland ,succeeds to the high Court, Obama’s socialist agenda will be secured & assured for generations of Americans to come…
So, how does Judge Merrick Garland fare, apropos of one clear and unequivocal right of the people – the Right of the People to keep and bear arms…
The U.S. Senate Must Hold Firm: Obama’s Darling Child, Judge Merrick Garland, Must Not Gain Justice Scalia’S Seat On The U.S. Supreme Court…
The legal decisions allowing the imposition of Obamacare gives us further encouragement. We can demand that citizens purchase firearms even if they don’t want them…
Auden Grogins is no friend of the Second Amendment, and who knows how far she would go with her anti-gun rhetoric as a Superior Court judge….
The Grass Roots North Carolina Political Victory Fund wants to warn you about a very dangerous candidate for the NC Court of Appeals: Lucy Noble Inman…
Democrats continue to appoint Gun Banner Rob Hogg as chairman of the Senate Judicial Committee. If they won’t remove him, then we must and we only need to flip a couple Senate seats to do it…
Federal Judge Catherine Blake has released a lengthy opinion which essentially says guns regulated by Maryland, including the AR-15 and the AK-style rifle fall outside Second Amendment protections…
The Australian bill could serve to make people more aware that 3D printed guns are “just as dangerous as traditional guns” …
Today’s RKBA would most certainly include firearms such as AR-15 rifles and their standard magazines – equipment that Stevens argues can and should be federally regulated…
Make no mistake that the views of Stevens and Ginsburg on the Second Amendment continue to hold currency amongst an entire generation of would-be Supreme Court justices…
Ask your Senator to oppose the gun-hating nominee, Robert Wilkins. Unlike anti-gun judges with no “paper trail,” the nominee, Robert Wilkins, has a particularly virulent anti-gun record…
Pennsylvania’s state motto is “Virtue, liberty, and independence,” but liberty took a hit this week with a disturbing ruling by the Pennsylvania Superior Court….
A judge’s role is to be impartial and to render verdicts, rulings and judgments based upon law and case law, certainly not personal opinion…
The juror is above the lawmaker, above the prosecutor, and above the judge. Who would not seek to embrace such a position of reforming power???
It seems there isn’t a day that passes by where anti-gunners in Washington, D.C. aren’t concocting schemes to crush your Second Amendment rights…
Her name is Caitlin Halligan, and she has a long track record in favor of gun control. In fact, one Senate Republican said that she is the most “anti-Second Amendment nominee Obama has ever put forward.”…
Two weeks ago Judge Jeffery A. Donnell violated his oath to the Wyoming Constitution when he issued a — gun free zone order — in the Albany County building, claiming he can do so by his OWN authority…
The passage of this amendment was a brilliant, preemptive strike for liberty on a day when liberalism seemed to win nationally…
“Justice Stevens contended that the right to keep and bear arms was limited to state militia service. It was, and remains, an astonishing position on a fundamental civil right…
We need to convince all three of the remaining Councilors to reject the Governor’s nomination of Mr. Bassett or the balance of the court could shift even further to the gun grabbers.
NRA applauds Sen. Heller for his strong and principled opposition to Judge Cadish’s nomination based on her lack of support for our fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms.