The 2021 National Firearms Survey has gun control advocates nervous. It exposes the depth of American gun culture & directly counters narratives used to justify gun control policies…
Anti-Gun Research
ER Doctor’s Disarmament Diagnosis a Prescription for Tyranny
These infringements, as they always do, will only burden “law-abiding” people. Criminals will still get all the guns they want the old-fashioned way as they keep sending doctors more patients.
Social Pressure Index: Revealing Americans’ True Views on Gun Ownership
A recent study by a Massachusetts-based think tank delving into the differences between what Americans say publicly and what they think privately has revealed that most people support private gun ownership.
Anti-gun Research Tries to Tie Deer Hunting to Crime
A paper published by the Journal of the American Medical Society has significant flaws in its basic assumptions about reality. A definition of what is meant by a “shooting” is missing.
Billionaire anti-gun philanthropists backing biased anti-gun research
Billionaires Laura and John Arnold are quietly bankrolling research that promotes and supports their radical anti-gun views.
ICYMI CDC Study Findings Show Americans with Guns Very Effective at Stopping Crime
The CDC’s findings were that guns are an effective & often used crime deterrent and that most firearm incidents are not fatal…
Luntz Misses Point Behind Skepticism Of “Public Health”
Why might people be skeptical about “public health?” Second Amendment supporters know all too well…
Could CDC Research Be Pretext To Censor 2A Activism?
The CDC’s new foray into gun violence “research” could be an existential threat to Second Amendment advocacy.
Will The Biden Regime Call Second Amendment Activism Misinformation?
Could Second Amendment activism be declared “misinformation” on a matter of public health by the Biden-Harris regime?
A Pair of Academics Question Gun Control Orthodoxy
Researchers found if a mass casualty event doesn’t fit a preconceived political narrative and policy prescription the media does not consider it worth covering.
Anti-Gun Researchers Undermine the Anti-Gun Narrative…Doh
We’d like to thank the anti-gun Joyce Foundation and, perhaps unwittingly, California taxpayers for making this study possible.
Most School Shootings in Federal Report Just Didn’t Happen
In an amusing story, a government-funded media outlet notorious for its liberal slant found that the overwhelming majority of school shootings listed in a federal report never occurred.
New Public Database Reveals Bias of Gun-Control Researchers
They misleadingly describe these as “gun safety laws”, but they are actually all restrictions on Americans’ Constitutionally enshrined right to keep and bear arms.
American Medical Association, Ethics & Gun Control (Part I)
I can testify that the AMA has been moving steadily to the left in a variety of issues, from the perversion of medical ethics to gun control…
Statistical Malpractice: The Standard in Anti-Gun ‘Research’ – Part 2
The Violence Policy Center has been lauding a 2002 study as “the most comprehensive study ever conducted on impact of gun availability.” But let examine the real facts….
Statistical Malpractice: The Standard in Anti-Gun “Research” – Part 1
There is a worrying trend in academic medicine which equates statistics with science, and sophistication in quantitative procedure with research excellence.
Does Firearm Legislation Affect Firearm-Related Injuries? Reviewing a Review
We take some satisfaction in revealing when “research” turns out to be made of recycled memes, illogical methods and forgone conclusions.
Why “Medical” Research on Gun laws Cannot be Trusted
The gun law “study” by Boston medical researchers published in the Lancet, is a good example of pure junk science. It is highly political.
Guns Are Not Pathogens, The Truth Is Out
What is remarkable is the USA has the highest rate of civilian gun ownership in the world. Yet the United States is among the safest places to live in the world…
Critiquing the “Research” Criticizing Guns
Anti gun researchers at The New England Journal of Medicine don’t like “research parasites” using their data to try to disprove what the original investigators claim to have proved..!?!
Those Cash Poor Anti-Gun Researchers
Give me a break. In just the last 10 years alone, the Chicago-based Joyce Foundation has donated about $40 million to anti-gun organizations…
Bloomberg Continues to Flood USA with Bogus Anti Gun Research
Bloomberg and others are funding so many new gun control studies that it is becoming harder to keep up with the multiple studies that are coming out each week…
Research Findings a Blow to Anti-gun Academics
For decades, anti-gun academics have attacked firearms and firearm owners by conducting “research” that purportedly offers insight into the psyche of gun owners.
Legislation Proposes $60 Million for Anti-Gun Research
NRA F-rated Sen. Edward Markey (D-Mass.) and Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) introduced legislation to authorize the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to give $60 million of the…..
Bloomberg’s Anti-Gun Research Director Explains Why He Won’t Debate Gun Control
As far as I can tell he said Bloomberg’s people would only debate people that they agree with…
Studies: Guns do no harm or have some benefit
Numerous studies show that more guns in society do not lead to more violence or crime. Some studies indicate the net effect to be positive.
Can the FBI Be That Dumb, New Report on Public Shootings Uses Biased Data & Bad Math
The Obama administration’s FBI report obtained its result by manipulating the data: including non-mass shootings, missing mass shooting cases, & selectively picking the period of time examined…
Researchers Assail Everytown and FBI Shootings Reports
Everytown greatly exaggerated the number of mass shootings, failed to adequately research the crimes in its report & failed to correctly distinguish public shootings from those of other types…
Harvard: Millions of Dollars More For Gun Control
No matter how much money the anti-gunners spend, they can’t buy our freedom, because it’s not for sale. Let the anti-gun billionaires know that by Voting Freedom First on November 4 2014…
“Gun Violence” is a Propaganda Metric
The label “gun violence” has become epidemic in the debate about firearms law and the second amendment. “Gun Violence” is a propaganda metric