New Jersey is on the losing side of Gun Rights history & the state can only postpone the inevitable outcome for so long.
New Jersey’s Gun Rights Cases Continue to Grind Along: NCSWIC

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
New Jersey is on the losing side of Gun Rights history & the state can only postpone the inevitable outcome for so long.
After extensive discussions, the State of New Jersey has issued revised carry training requirements addressing gun owner objections and concerns.
Requiring average citizens to meet police-level training is a move by Democrats to make it much harder for average NJ citizens to obtain carry permits.
The NJ Attorney General has explicitly taken steps to limit the harsh unintended consequences of anti-gun lawmakers’ absurdly-crafted & ill-conceived legislation targeting gun owners.
The additional restraining order temporarily blocks enforcement of aspects of NJ’s carry-killer law for a period of several weeks.
At the exact moment NJ Gov Murphy was signing illegal carry-killer legislation into law, an epic federal lawsuit to block the blatantly unconstitutional new measure was dropping.
Gun-hating New Jersey lawmakers have outdone themselves with the sheer absurdity of their handgun carry ban by extending it to common, everyday objects!
NJ legislators described its features, & it sounds strangely similar to (if not worse than) New York’s unconstitutional anti-carry law, …recently stopped in its tracks by an injunction.
All of the bills target the rights of law-abiding gun owners and do nothing to stop crime or criminals from getting weapons.
The NJ Attorney General issued a directive to law enforcement agencies …mandating that NJ carry permit applications now be processed WITHOUT an applicant having to prove “justifiable need.”
S-1893, is extremely serious and would affect firearms dealers, advertising (publications & digital), and certain gun clubs, associations, and societies, both locally and nationally!
Every NJ gun owner should watch this video. Get ready for numerous possibilities & contingencies, some of which may come as a surprise.
This is the worst type of legislation that can be concocted. It is poorly conceived, misguided, violates established U.S. law, & interferes with everyone’s sacrosanct right of self-defense.
NJ Governor Phil Murphy announced a sweeping new package of gun control proposals in an orchestrated press event featuring anti-gun lawmakers, clergy, and civic leaders.
There’s a phrase that I coined a number of years ago. When talking about marijuana and guns, what I said was, “bang or bong, you can’t have both”.
This week Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs joined a broad coalition of firearms rights organizations in a lawsuit seeking to permanently end NJ’s abusive firearms permitting scheme.
Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs warns law-abiding gun owners NOT to participate should they learn of any such activity.
In the wake of a recent murder of a bow hunter in Camden County, New Jersey, the ANJRPC is urging all hunters and sportsmen to be extra vigilant and aware when engaging in outdoor activities.
Where was the invite to AMJRPC or CNJFO? How about NJ2AS? NRA? Notification MIA! NSSF nope. No one was invited from the groups that are guardians of citizens’ rights.
ANJRPC has filed legal papers asking the full U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit to reconsider our appeal after the recent bad decision of a 3-judge panel which tossed the case on technical..
Recounting the history of firearms in America, the court found these magazines are commonly possessed by millions of law abiding Americans for lawful purposes.
New Jersey indoor gun ranges have been shut down since a March 21, 2020, executive order by anti-freedom Governor Phil Murphy.
It has been an unprecedented time the last several weeks, as NJ officials have tried to use Coronavirus as an excuse to shut down the Second Amendment. Here’s an update on the big picture.
Motion Filed Today to Stop the Shutdown. ANJRPC Prepared to Go to U.S. Supreme Court. Murphy Admits 2A Shutdown is not about Coronavirus!
Governor Should Have Applied “Social Distancing” Measures (as He Has Elsewhere) Instead of Shutting Down the Means by Which People Obtain and Train With Firearms.
NJ politicians are using low-level disorderly person offenses as an excuse to take away Constitutionally-protected gun rights that may be needed for self-defense in an emergency.
Earlier this week, the lower federal court assigned to ANJRPC’s legal challenge to New Jersey’s magazine ban upheld the state’s gun magazine ban.
Last week, the New Jersey Republic Party issued a strong statement defending legal gun owners, after the Democrat-controlled Assembly Judiciary Committee yesterday passed a package of gun bills
Once again, this package of bills does nothing more than target law-abiding gun owners. It does absolutely nothing to improve public safety.
The most likely case Rogers is being held for is New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. New York City, a case concerning NYC’s attempts to control what its residents do with firearms outside…