On September 25, 2013, Obama’s designs on international gun control were realized, as Secretary of State John Kerry signed the ATT on behalf of the Obama administration…
US Senate Decisively Rejects U.N. Arms Trade Treaty
In a bipartisan letter led by Senators Jerry Moran (R–KS) and Joe Manchin (D–WV), and half of the Senate has officially pledged to oppose the ratification of the ATT…
Sens. Moran, Manchin, Inhofe & Half of Senate to White House: U.S. Will Not Be Bound By Arms Trade Treaty
Today, U.S. Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) led a bipartisan group of 50 U.S. Senators, in reiterating to President Obama that the Senate overwhelmingly opposes the ratification of the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty…
Senator Moran Circulates Letter to Repudiate the UN Small Arms Treaty
Senator Moran (R-KS) is circulating a letter calling upon the administration to withdraw its support of the UN Arms Trade Treaty….
Wayne Lapierre: The United Nation’s Treacherous Assault On Our Freedom
Those who still believe the United Nations is a human rights organization with the best of intentions are kidding themselves. The U.N. doesn’t stop violence, murder and genocide…
Kerry Signs Global Gun Control in Wake of Obama’s Calls for ‘Transformation’
While Canada has, for now, declined, citing concerns over how it would affect lawful firearm owners and it possible links to firearm registration…
Sen. Moran Responds to Secretary Kerry Signing the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty
Failing to recognize the lawful ownership of firearms or right to self-defense as fundamental individual rights, the Arms Trade Treaty poses a significant threat to our Second Amendment freedoms…
Obama Administration SIGNS United Nations Arms Trade Treaty
Today, Secretary of State John Kerry signed the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty on behalf of the Obama administration…
The Impending U.S. Signature of the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty
Secretary of State John Kerry welcomes it with open arms, noting that the U.S. look[ed] forward to signing it as soon as the process of conforming the official translations is completed…
Top 10 Reasons Why the U.S. Should Not Sign the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty
The U.S. has announced that it will sign the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty as soon as it is satisfactorily translated into all official U.N. languages…
Rumor Control: U.N. ‘Disarmament’ Memo
The USA has 500 million weapons in the hands of its civilian population. It is a massive dynamic problem for confiscation as there will be those who refuse to surrender their firearms…
Obama Will Sign UN Gun Treaty While Congress Is On Vacation
You heard it straight from the horse’s mouth. Jay Carney said Obama will sign the UN Arms Trade Treaty, before the end of August…
Rep. Kelly Applauds Committee Approval of Funding Ban for UN Arms Trade Treaty
I am thrilled to see the House once again take action to stop the ATT from ever shackling our liberty, even though the Obama administration shamefully pledges to sign the Arms Trade Treaty…
Support Kelly Measure To Restrict Arms Trade Treaty Funding
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today is encouraging support of an effort by Congressman Mike Kelly (R-PA) to restrict funding related to the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty…
Reseach Paper Exposes Link Between UN Arms Trade Treaty & Transnational Gun Control
A key element of the paper is an explanation of how the ISACS project and some of its deliverables on national small arms control are an example of 21st century transnational gun control policy making…
Arms Trade Treaty Ratification Is Just A Gateway To More Gun Control
Gun Banners and their NGO sympathizers believe the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty “needs more work with respect to controlling and documenting international small arms transfers at the very least.”…
Syria: Would the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty Ban U.S. Aid to the Rebels
Proponents of the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty assert that the treaty prevents signatories from supporting not only the Syrian opposition but future rebellions against other totalitarian regimes…
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott on UN Arms Trade Treaty
UN treaties do not trump the Constitution. And with your help, we will make that message clear to President Obama and this administration…
The United Nations Is Prepping For Global Gun Control
It is expected to pass. Our president is expected to sign it, which is an action taken solely by the Executive Branch, and is only for show. The media will treat this like an act of Greatness…
New Risks & Dangers Loom For USA As Arms Trade Treaty Opens For Signature
At heart, many of the backers of the Arms Trade Treaty abroad and some in the U.S., dislike the entire arms trade and the U.S. predominance in it, as well as the Second Amendment…
As U.N. Arms Trade Treaty Opens for Signature, Opposition Rises on Hill
The U.S. has announced that it will sign the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty in the near future, once all foreign language translations are satisfactorily completed, which will happen by August 28, 2013…
Obama Administration to Sign U.N. Arms Trade Treaty ‘In the Very Near Future’
Once the deeply problematic treaty is signed, the fight will move to the U.S. Senate, where the Obama administration would need to find 67 senators to ratify the treaty…
Rep. Kelly Response to State Department Announcement that US ‘Will Sign’ Arms Trade Treaty
U.S. Representative Mike Kelly (R-PA) issued the following statement yesterday expressing disappointment with the announcement that the USA will sign the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty…
Sen. Moran On Obama Administration’s Decision To Sign U.N. Arms Trade Treaty
It’s simply unheard of for a treaty of this significance and scope. I am greatly disappointed at the lack of seriousness on the part of the Administration to review the ATT before agreeing to sign it…
The British Are Coming, The British Are Coming… For Our Guns
We have enemies at home, and enemies abroad, they all have one goal, to disarm the American people and impose their own brand of Democratic Socialism on us…
TX Attorney General Abbott Urges Obama to Reject UN Arms Trade Treaty
Warns that treaty threatens all of Americans’ Constitutional liberties – not just Second Amendment rights…
Arms Trade Treaty: Problems for USA with Substance & Process
The concept of the ATT is inherently flawed, and the U.S. should neither sign nor ratify the ATT. But the process by which it was adopted is even more damaging…
Arms Trade Treaty in Review – Worst Of All Possible Outcomes
So now we have an undesirable treaty, one that will be expanded and elaborated on over time, and one that was adopted through a bad process. This is just about the worst of all possible worlds…
Newly Approved Arms Trade Treaty Could Shut Down Flow of Surplus Ammo
The UN’s long-standing antipathy toward private firearms ownership demands that the language of the treaty must be viewed through the prism of hostility…
Second Amendment Foundation Alarmed At Absence Of Civilian Arms Rights In UN Arms Treaty
The controversial Arms Trade Treaty passed by the United Nations General Assembly with the United States’ support represents an alarming policy shift, and a potential threat to American gun rights…