President Obama’s administration has supported the adoption of this treaty, and the administration is expecting to sign it, despite clear bipartisan opposition from US citizens…
The Arms Trade Treaty: The Big Lie About July 2012
One of the unreported stories about the negotiation of the Arms Trade Treaty is the effort by many U.N. members & NGOs, to blame the failure of the first negotiating conference last July on the United States…
The End of the Arms Trade Treaty Conference Is Not the End of the Treaty
Late on Thursday, the U.N. conference on the Arms Trade Treaty fell apart when Iran, North Korea, and Syria opposed the treaty…
Sens. Moran Statement On Status Of U.N. Arms Trade Treaty Negotiations
Negotiating the ATT with dictatorships was a bad idea. Iran, Syria, and North Korea made clear they have no intention of abiding by any such treaty. Therefore, any ATT would only serve to constrain democracies like the U.S…
Obama Administration UN Representative says USA will Vote YES On Arms Trade Treaty
The U.S. spokesperson went on to say that the United States would vote “yes” on the arms trade treaty in the General Assembly, regardless of the positions of other member states….
Arms Trade Treaty Conference Fails to Reach Consensus, Final Draft Goes to UN General Assembly for Vote
Obama’s UN representative likely to sign the treaty, but US won’t ratify for decades if ever…
The Arms Trade Treaty: Reactions to the Final Draft
It is extremely likely that the ATT will be adopted by consensus tomorrow. The U.S. should break consensus on this treaty text. If the U.S. does not do so, the U.S. should certainly neither sign nor ratify any Arms Trade Treaty that results from it…
The Arms Trade Treaty, Week Two: The Ways It Might Fail
In New York, the Arms Trade Treaty conference is entering its final phase, and the ways in which the negotiations might fail are becoming clearer…
Arms Trade Treaty Could Leave Shooting & Security Industry in Precarious Position
Long after the ATT negotiations a concluded, the Oslo faction, guided by its vision and long-term agenda, will continue to advance policies and regulations that are targeting the broader shooting and security industry…
Arms Trade Treaty, Week Two: As the U.N. Talks, the Senate Acts
The temperature of the conference is notably lower now, and there is a renewed sense that Thursday is likely to bring agreement on a much sought after Arms Trade Treaty…
The Arms Trade Treaty, Week 2: The Treaty Is Getting Worse
Late on Friday, the president of the U.N. Conference negotiating the Arms Trade Treaty released his latest draft of the treaty…
Arms Trade Treaty, Days Four & Five: Tempers Rise & Doors Close ( Part 2)
By the time Friday came to a close, it seemed possible that the conference might collapse into the same acrimonious confusion that ended last July’s negotiations…
Arms Trade Treaty, Day 4: New Draft Arrives, China Speaks & the EU Begs (Part 1)
The atmosphere, which had in previous days been calm, felt like last July, when the last negotiating conference collapsed into failure…
The Arms Trade Treaty, Day Three: Turning Up the Pressure on the U.S.
As the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) conference moved through its third day, the isolation of the United States became ever clearer…
Arms Trade Treaty, Day Two: Human Rights and Non-State Actors
The morning’s discussion (March 19th 2013 ) at the U.N. on the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) brought into focus one of the underlying tensions among the nations negotiating the treaty…
The Arms Trade Treaty, Day One: Potential Roadblocks to Agreement
As we have explained, we believe the ATT is a bad idea, will not work, and poses numerous prudential risks to U.S. interests. But now that the conference has started, it is time to assess the main controversies…
Stand with Rand Paul Against the UN Arms Trade Treaty
Senator Rand Paul will be offering a budget amendment that will make it more difficult for the implementation of ANY international treaty creating an international gun registry or gun ban…
Arms Trade Treaty and the 2nd Amendment: Answering the American Bar Association
The American Bar Association’s Center for Human Rights issued a white paper on the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), which concludes that “the proposed ATT is consistent with the Second Amendment”, or is it???
UN Arms Trade Treaty 2013 – It’s Back…
Law-abiding American gun owners must ALWAYS remember that the intent of ATT, the one-world government lovers, the gun-haters and the gun-grabbers, is the eventual disarmament of all civilians gun owners…
Arms Trade Treaty Pre-Conference Executive Brief Released
If things go one way, it looks like major regions of the world are going to close their doors to American exports in the form of follow-on non tariff barriers…
Pro Gun Defenders, Your Last Chance To Speak On The UN Arms Trade Treaty
The United Nations is currently accepting requests by new non-governmental organizations to attend and make their views known with respect to the highly controversial Arms Trade Treaty….
Info on the Arms Trade Treaty
Consider where Glocks, Sigs, Berettas, Benellis, and other popular firearms are manufactured. Gun makers in those countries could decide that the new recordkeeping regulations are too onerous and costly…
Gun Ban Barack Called Her First
Just after midnight on election night, Barack Obama picked up the phone and called Hillary Clinton, asking her to renew his administration’s war on the Second Amendment rights of Americans…
The Biggest Threats For Gun Owners in Obama’s Second Term
There are many ways a second term for President Barack Obama now threatens the rights of gun owners. Top on this list include an Assault Weapons ban and a UN Arms Trade Treaty…
Political Left Is Firing Back With More Lies About the Arms Trade Treaty
Liberal media outlets are now going to bat for the Administration and trying to convince Americans that the UN Arms Trade Treaty will not affect average gun owners…
Obama Administration Endorses New U.N. Arms Trade Treaty Negotiations
Just as NRA warned would happen, following the election, the Obama administration has moved forward with its plans to support a United Nations Arms Trade Treaty…
Obama’s Gun Control No Longer ‘Under the Radar’
With Obama firmly entrenched for four more years, the U.S. officially went on record this week to support a new round of talks on the UN Arms Trade Treaty…
With Election Over, Obama Reopens Talks on U.N. Firearms Treaty
With the presidential election behind him, President Obama has signaled he is ready to restart U.N. talks on the Arms Trade Treaty…
U.N. Celebrates Obama Re-Election By Pushing Global Gun Control
President Barack Obama’s administration joined with China, France, Germany and the United Kingdom, and more than 150 other governments, in supporting renewed debate on the proposed United Nations Arms Trade Treaty…
New Arms Trade Treaty Coalition Trying for ATT Reset Outside UN
According to statements made, the draft ATT is absolutely unacceptable and adopting it without substantial changes would be worse for humanity than if there was no ATT at all…