The UN ATT Conference was less a failure a victory by the firearms industry and the National Rifle Association for that matter, than it was the result of abortive advocacy lead by the fanatical UK-based ‘Control Arms’…
How Do You Spell More Useless Embargoes – ‘ARMS TRADE TREATY’
The fact of the matter is that if UNSC embargoes worked in practice, there would be no need for an ATT, as it is would amount to nothing more than another layer of arms embargoes…
UN Still Pushing to Take Away Your Second Amendment Rights
So congratulations, once again, are in order — as your hard work paid off handsomely. Over 50 US Senators ultimately signed a letter opposing this abomination.
Rumor Control – U.N. ATT and POA, Bad but Different
The rumors vary, but some have wrongly claimed that the U.S. has secretly adopted a U.N. Arms Trade Treaty, subjecting Americans to the schemes of U.N. gun controllers.
UN Arms Trade Treaty Lives
The first draft of the current effort at a UN Arms Trade Treaty was a smashing success after nearly six years of effort and a solid month of direct negotiations.
UN Launches Small Arms Control Standards, Ignores Gun Expert Group’s Recommendations
Sadly, SAAMI is forced to conclude that ISACS has and will continue to fail in the creation of clear and effective guidance because of breaches in standards-setting protocols.
UN Gun Grabbers Only Want ‘Governments or Authorized Entities’ to Have Guns
The Review Conference 2012 of the UN’s Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat, and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in all its aspects, is in full swing.
United Nations’ Gun Ban Is Far From Dead
In fact, I’m afraid this nightmare has just begun. Hillary’s global gun grab is proving harder to kill than Freddy Krueger.
REVCON 2012 – Prelude To A New Arms Trade Treaty
With the knowledge that total civilian disarmament–and government monopoly of force–is the ultimate goal, it is imperative that we watch RevCon 2012 with extreme scrutiny and skepticism.
Arms Trade Treaty Salesmen Changing Strategy – In Their Own Words
When someone lies to you, you’d better beware. Lies are told to manipulate people into doing things or supporting laws or philosophies they wouldn’t ordinarily do if they knew the facts.
NRA Stops U.N. Arms Trade Treaty
The Conference on the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty has broken down and will not report a draft treaty to the member nations. This is a big victory for American gun owners.
Arms Trade Treaty – The End of the Beginning
The pro-gun community breathed a collective sigh of relief after United Nations negotiators failed to produce a treaty regulating the global arms trade on Friday.
Arms Trade Treaty – Down, But Not Out
On Friday afternoon, July 27, 2012, Arms Trade Treaty talks collapsed at U.N. headquarters in New York City.
Arms Trade Treaty Negotiations Collapse as USA Refuses to Sign
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today applauds the decision by the United States to not sign the proposed International Arms Trade Treaty.
UN Gun Ban Conference Drawing to a Close Today
The treaty itself covers trade in weapons ranging from battle tanks and battleships to small arms and light weapons and ammunition.
See the Draft UN Small Arms Treaty
Some apologists will point to a paragraph in the preamble, claiming that it covers “lawful private ownership” of firearms for recreation and sporting activities, but the preamble isn’t binding.
United Nations Arms Trade Treaty – Final Working Document Released
We could still see changes in the coming days. Notable is the removal of Munitions & Ammunition, more analysis to follow, as we wanted to get the document out for expanded distribution.
Uncovered Docs Show Private Arms & Ammunition to Be Included in Arms Trade Treaty
We have mined documents that show that privately owned small arms and ammunition clearly looks to be included in the ATT agreement.
Can the U.N. Gun Treaty Trump the Constitution?
Could the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty, now being discussed in New York City with an expected wrap-up date on July 27, 2012, really infringe the Second Amendment? Maybe so.
UN War on Gun Ownership Continues Unopposed by the Obama Administration
Despite what you might hear on the nightly news, this treaty has NOTHING to do with disarming rogue governments and drug cartels. The ATT is about undermining gun rights in the United States.
The Arms Trade Treaty – Falling Apart?
No matter how “strong” ATT’s language, it will fail very simply because it’s a foolish idea, concocted with fantasies that cannot work.
With Iran’s Leadership UN Arms Trade Treaty Plows Ahead
With the terrorist-exporting state of Iran in a leadership role, the committee has been plowing down obstacles and rapidly moving toward an agreement.
Arizona Rep. David Schweikert on the UN Arms Trade Treaty and Fast & Furious
Cam Edwards talks to Representative David Schweikert (R-AZ) on the dragging on of the Fast & Furious investigation and the looking threat of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.
UN Arms Trade Treaty Targeting US Gun Owners Becomes a Farce
The UN talks on the Arms Trade Treaty have effectively become a farce since Iran (who has violated UN sanctions by selling arms to Syria) was given a prominent role in the talks.
Mexico Attacks American Gun Rights
Last week, Mexico emerged as the leader in spearheading the effort to internationally regulate civilian firearms at the UN “Small Arms Treaty” meetings in New York City.
NRA Fights for Second Amendment as U.N. Moves Forward on Arms Trade Treaty
The legislation would prevent the United States from participating in the crafting of a United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, which many see as an international threat to the Second Amendment.
Iran Gets Key Seat to Lead Negotiations for the Global Arms Treaty
The fate of our Second Amendment rests in the hands of United Nations’ do-gooders and dictators.
NRA News Interviews Ted Bromund United Nations Arms Trade Treaty
At the United Nations, Ginny Simone talks to Ted Bromund from The Heritage Foundation after he spoke at the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty Conference.
Hillary’s Small Arms Treaty Swindle
At first, it looks like Hillary and her U.N. goons are pretty much correct. ” … all Treaties made … shall be the supreme Law of the Land …”
Obamacare & the UN Arms Treaty Must Be Put on the Chopping Block
The Treaty will create a U.N.-based Implementation Support Unit which will become an engine of gun control around the world.