The string of high profile shootings and terrorist attacks around the country over the past several months has put people on edge, and understandably so.
Barack Obama
Holiday Cheer
It’s that time of year again. According to some, the holidays are nothing if not a prime opportunity to exploit seasonal get-togethers to dish up some hot political controversy along with the…..
Washington Post Skewers Obama on Shootings, Vindicates Rubio and Gun Rights Position
Just as the New York Times is doing its best to shrug off whatever remaining journalistic integrity the paper might have had, the country’s other major establishment newspaper, the Washington…..
President Obama, Fight the Terrorists Not the NRA
While the United States and much of the world is under attack from radical Islamic terrorists, President Obama refuses to see the threat and instead views the NRA in particular, and gun owners…..
So-called ‘Terror Watchlist’ Gun Ban Poses Greatest Danger of Any Current Proposal
We are the people the totalitarian lobby is itching to disarm.
Insane Murderers and Insane Politicians
Democrat politicians have a twisted view of terrorism and security. So does our mainstream media. Their policy advice.. and their media reporting are bizarre.. and dangerous. Let me show you.
Obama to Police Chiefs: Crack Down on Gun Owners
On Wednesday; October 28, President Obama addressed the 122nd Annual Conference of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (a transcript is available at this link).
Obama Assurance on Guns Leaves Open Question of What He Is Out to Do
Here’s something else nobody’s talking about: How much “gun control” will be enough?
Lott’s Response to Demographic Impact on 2nd Amendment Silent on Immigration
When the new citizens do vote Democrat, expect that to result in an unchallengeable majority. Expect federal courts where future confirmations will result in a reversal of Heller.
Obama and Hillary Both Show Cards with Praise for Australian ‘Gun Control’
The effect is the same as confiscation, but they force you to legitimize it by acceptance of “payment.” It’s the equivalent of raping someone and then leaving $20 on the nightstand – and you’d better
President Obama Shows His True Gun Control Agenda
Most of the media attention on President Obama’s renewed calls for gun control has focused on the tone of his remarks, rather than on the substance of what he said.
NRA Supports Senator Cornyn’s Bill to Halt Obama NICS Abuses
On August 5th, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) introduced S. 2002, a bill to protect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens from continued bureaucratic abuse by the Obama Administration.
Obama Strikes Again with a New Gun Ban
The Los Angeles Times reports that the Obama administration is pushing to “ban Social Security beneficiaries from owning guns” if they lack the mental capacity to “manage their own affairs” — a…..
Plaintiffs in Chicago-Area Lawsuit Assert a “Civil Right” to Enact Gun Control Laws
We at the NRA have seen a lot of strange legal theories asserted by gun control advocates over the years, but a lawsuit filed on Tuesday by a group of Chicagoans still managed to distinguish…..
BREAKING: Another Federal Circuit Court Unravels Second Amendment Gun Rights
In yet another decision that thumbs it’s nose at the Supreme Court’s landmark D.C. v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago rulings, the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals held today that the Second Amendment…
Obama’s “Unified Agenda” of Regulatory Objectives Causes Fear, Confusion
The Internet has been buzzing this past week with stories of the Obama Administration’s “Unified Agenda” on gun control.
Your Help Needed To Kill Un-Style Gun Control Trade Bill
This trade pact is called “fast track,” and what it means is that Obama can write any form of gun control he chooses into a trade agreement — import bans, amnesty, etc…
Gun Grabbers High on Hillary, Look to Her to Enact Controls Where Obama Failed
Never mind all the rhetoric about how Hillary Clinton can’t get the Democrat Party’s presidential nomination because some fringe elements don’t think she’s radical enough.
Obama’s Rescript on “Every Kid in a Park”/New Monuments Supports Outdoor Recreation
Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) applauds President Barack Obama ‘s announcement today promoting the new “Every Kid in a Park” initiative.
State of Israel Today
BHO is disliked and distrusted by everyone there, and I mean everyone! Israelis universally believe him to be a crypto-Moslem…
Barack Hussein Obama’s Shelf-Life is Up
I reluctantly conclude that BHO has no intention of crushing ISIS. I suspect ISIS supporters, and Vlad P, came to the same conclusion…
Gun Buying & Alleged Legal Marijuana Usage, Do You Feel Lucky?
If you legally buy a firearm in Oklahoma after legally smoking marijuana in Colorado, this could get you a Federal violation conviction…
Russia Not “Advanced or Developed” By Obama’s Measure
What countries fall outside of Barack Obama’s definition of “advanced, developed countries”? Russia, Ukraine, Estonia, Brazil, and Venezuela, are examples…
A Crash in Ammunition Prices is Coming
The Obama administration caused bubble in ammunition prices seems ready to bust.
Not a 2A Friend: Barack Obama’s Gun Control Record Reviewd
Somehow, there are people who confess they are gun owners, who keep saying that Barack Obama is no threat to the Second Amendment….
President’s Gun Control Executive Order Will Totally Reduce Street Crime
Executive Orders from the Obama administration earlier this week, effectively closes a secret loophole commonly used by street thugs, gang members, and the Reverend Al Sharpton…NOT
Half-Cocked: Holder Guns?
Half-Cocked: Holder Guns?
KKK Alive and Well in the USA – ‘Kracka Killa Klub’
The KKK is alive and well in America, but this time it is comprised of all black racists promoting violence against whites…
President Obama: AR-15 Salesman of the Decade
More guns get sold when there is a perceived danger of losing the ability to acquire firearms in the future. So when politicians start calling for more gun control, more guns enter circulation…
Gun Control Lies Files: – ’90 Percent Support for Background Checks’
The 90 percent support for Expanded Background Checks is a myth, nothing more, a creation; like every other one of the talking points and so called “facts” of the Anti Gun left…