The Trace, by way of his gun control group Everytown for Gun Safety, is funded by billionaire and staunch gun control activist Micheal Bloomberg.
Anti-Hunting ‘News Site’ Runs Traditional Ammo Scare Tactics in Iowa

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
The Trace, by way of his gun control group Everytown for Gun Safety, is funded by billionaire and staunch gun control activist Micheal Bloomberg.
By carving LGBTQ gun owners out as a special case, the media fuels division instead of just recognizing them as part of the broader firearms community. It’s unnecessary, divisive and counterproductive.
It’s very early in Trump’s second term… But we certainly know that the “independent” media cannot be trusted to define “democracy” or “constitutional crisis.”
A paper published in the Psychology of Violence is interesting because of what it did NOT find. Legally carrying a gun for protection had no association with psycopathic traits…
With the shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Thompson, it is only a matter of time before anti-gun organizations and biased media outlets seize this incident to call for new bans—this time, on firearm suppressors.
The 2021 National Firearms Survey has gun control advocates nervous. It exposes the depth of American gun culture & directly counters narratives used to justify gun control policies…
These flawed and bias polls on gun control will remain a disservice to public discourse and a poor reflection of the American electorate’s views.
ProPublica’s hack article serves as a reminder to be vigilant about the news sources we trust, especially on topics as important as our GOD given Second Amendment rights.
This NBC report is a classic example of how media bias can distort a story, leaving readers with a skewed understanding of the issues at hand. GunTubers aren’t running away; they’re…
In in 2024, Democrats’ “military wing,” ANTIFA/BLM, will give rise to destructive riots once more. Other “manufactured distractions” may include…
JAMA Pediatrics study shows, training children in proper gun safety and responsible use can facilitate the safe staging of defensive weapons for the protection of families and homes.
…study proves what many gun owners already knew: legal gun carriers aren’t the problem. It’s ironic, really, that the media spends so much time vilifying law-abiding citizens & not the psychopaths..
Gladwell’s narrative embellishes the facts, making it seem as if Knight’s case was a key driver of legal thought around the Second Amendment when, in reality, the case played a much smaller role in shaping English and American law
Like clockwork, the media runs with these “studies” with breathless coverage that hunters are killing bald eagles with the same lead that is found in nature.
Artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots are shifting further left on issues surrounding crime, policing, and gun control. This trend raises serious concerns for those relying on these technologies for objective research…
Anti-gun extremists, like those at The Trace, just cannot seem to comprehend the idea of firearms being used as a crime deterrent unless someone gets shot.
Once again, if law enforcement can’t be the ones to provide basic public safety to keep Chicagoans safe, what do they expect city residents to do?
As we see, with inherently dishonest leftist politicians, “controlling the narrative” keeps them in power, which is obviously all they care about!
AmmoLand Shooting Sports News is shadow-banned, randomly blocked by big tech email systems, & dumped into your spam box or just not delivered. Take Action!
Washington Post’s own fact-checker has grudgingly admitted that the statement “Gun violence is the leading cause of death of children is not true…
At this point, gun owners don’t expect journalists to have a firm, or even loose, grasp on U.S. firearms law, but they might expect that of their U.S. Attorneys.
The fact that he is a dedicated, radical Islamist with a history is deliberately ignored and not reported….
We cannot trust either party to respect freedom of speech. They are united in believing that political imperatives trump constitutional guarantees.
Our inherently dishonest, leftist media loves pat answers and cute soundbites & encourages people to adopt a lifestyle characterized by self-deception and willful blindness.
Politicians assert that Facebook et al. are pursuing a left-wing agenda while simultaneously denying that the First Amendment protects their right to do so.
Whether it’s criminal violence by a deranged lunatic or by violent drug cartels, MSM media outlets find the flawed logic to argue it is American companies that should be punished.
These “experts” talk ad nauseam about “rules,” “orders of protection,” “red flag laws,” “restraining orders,” & “developing a personal safety plan.
The next time you see a shocking headline about children and firearms, keep in mind how those pushing a political agenda have no interest in the truth.
It’s surprising when the conservative National Review seemingly bends over backward to defend the weaponized agency in a poorly researched and written piece.
It is irresponsible to claim “science” in comparing studies, which use different definitions and math, & to then say bear spray is more effective than firearms.