Brady United for Gun Control’s announced that they’re bringing on Hollywood executives & producers to help sell gun control…
Brady Brings On Hollywood To Help Fool the Public on Antigun Agenda
America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Brady United for Gun Control’s announced that they’re bringing on Hollywood executives & producers to help sell gun control…
Recent developments reveal that prosecutors in New Mexico are planning to re-charge actor Alec Baldwin with involuntary manslaughter.
Can you imagine seeing a western movie in which the actors hold their Peacemakers with their trigger fingers pointed straight along the frame rather than inside the trigger guard.
Baldwins’ claims that he didn’t “pull” the trigger, are probably true. He probably didn’t cock the hammer back and deliberately press the trigger to…
Baldwin’s film crew clearly did not follow strict firearms safety best practices on set. The only way an incident like this can happen is through negligence.
Reincarnated “Red Guards,” depicted in this film, along with leftist producers of the film, apparently have no problem with engaging in “gun violence,” so long is it is “fun violence!”
Apparently “weapons of war” are just fine, so long as they are restricted to the hands of Communist thugs, and are used exclusively to murder political opponents.
When viewers look in wonderment at Hollywood’s phony rendition of “violence,” they are set-up for an extremely unpleasant, and dangerous, surprise when they encounter genuine violence.
In a November 30th, 2018, tweet, Tom Arnold, famous for being married to Roseanne Barr and making a few really bad movies, has proven that he knows nothing about guns or firearm misuse [or math].
Critics charge that this hypocritical approach to gun safety was akin to the medieval practice of buying indulgences for sins..
Whose speech is acceptable, what does the Second Amendment mean, and does anyone know where 3-D printing will go?
For patriotic American gun owners, one thing is crystal clear: Oprah Winfrey embraces the staunchly anti-gun posture of contemporary Hollywood…
There is a new hope in the United States, one that promises a brighter future for all decent, hardworking Americans, thanks to the election of Donald Trump as our next president.
Gun control advocates and Hollywood have long been allied in an effort propagandize the public against firearm ownership.
Since 2000, the Entertainment Industries Council published a Firearm Depiction Tip Sheet to guide production staff in how to show firearms in the most undesirable ways.
Gun rights supporters, the next time you’re watching television or a film & encounter this sort of propaganda, remember, there was a reason your mom called it the idiot box.
What is it about Hollywood elites who jump on their soapboxes proclaiming to be saviors of America, but then do everything imaginable to undermine the core principles of its founding?
Sergey Kovalev prepares for his biggest fight to-date, and first in Las Vegas, but HBO is demanding Kovalev remove the logo of Tulammo a U.S. Ammunition maker…
He unilaterally cancelled his promised appearance due to pressure from the anti-gun lobby, which included false statements about our industry…
“It’s really more just about collecting shit,” Chris Pratt tells GQ’s Drew Magary of his cache of arms…
Christian movie makers in Hollywood are in position to start cleaning up Hollywood standards, Bill cheers them on…
From the You Can’t Make This Stuff Up files comes an update on heavyweight Hollywood producer hypocrite Harvey Weinstein…
An accomplished filmmaker trying to raise funds to produce a documentary on Fast and Furious scandal got a big boost Tuesday when the project was featured on the “Big Hollywood” site.