A story published Tuesday indicates that the Trace may have found a new data source – the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC.
The Trace breaks up with the Gun Violence Archive, possibly

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
A story published Tuesday indicates that the Trace may have found a new data source – the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC.
One would think the daughter of Hmong refugees taken into this country would take the time to appreciate why freedoms recognized here make it different from the tyranny her family fled.
Whenever Bloomberg Businessweek writes about firearms or the Second Amendment, it’s forced to disclose to readers that its owner is rabidly anti-gun.
Regardless of who first said it, the gun prohibitionists and their media cheerleaders are using all three to swindle their countrymen out of their birthrights.
The U.S. attorney is right. You literally cannot make this stuff up.
Note that none of them teach actual gun safety, they just deliberately conflate the word with what they really mean: Prohibition.
Those who hold religion in contempt have always been more than happy to exploit religious useful idiots if it advances their agenda.
It’s past time we saw some rights enforcement added to the law enforcement mix, especially when it comes to guns.
The memorandum urges governors and mayors to ignore Homeland Security and our nation’s President and to be confident about banning gun sales.
Because he, with other privileged celebrities, came out in full support of the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence/Bloomberg Mayors Against Illegal Guns agenda to “Demand a Plan.”
Real criminals do what criminals have always done; they skirt the laws, ignore the “No Guns” signs, avoid the cops, and acquire the tools of their trade from fellow criminals – like the drugs they buy
The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance will be joining with other organizations that are holding a protest outside of Michael Bloomberg’s office in Boise & you’re invited.
“Should Mr. Bloomberg proceed with a campaign, it could represent a seismic disruption in the Democratic race.”—New York Times, Nov. 7, 2019
This isn’t about public safety, it’s about another inroad to total citizen disarmament.
Genuine common sense comes through loud and clear in Shean’s book…
The object here is to take Watts’ advice and “Fight Like a Mother,” and since when has reality mattered to them?
If a “popular vote” replacement of the Electoral system is allowed to stand, you can kiss “legal” recognition of the right to keep and bear arms goodbye…
Their bigger goal is to “destroy the gun culture in Ventura County.” In case you’re wondering all the local liberal politicos will be there to celebrate the mass shooting.
But Wrangler? That will surprise readers who made very positive comments about them…
The weapons that were in common use at that time were precisely the arms the military had.
[T]he manufactured individual vs. collective “controversy” actually did not arise until the gun ban lobby invented their argument…
Ladies, these people really don’t want you armed. And there’s no shortage of shrill, ignorant women who agree.
Even some gun control activists are getting fed up with Bloomberg’s autocratic approach.
We believe it is time for Bloomberg and Moms Demand Action to “eat some crow” and admit they are losing this battle!
So it’s not so much an “advocacy group” issuing organizational advisories as it is individual sellout “artists” assuming a role of masked propagandists in their “art.”
A Politico article published reports Bloomberg is poised to throw another $25 million infusion of cash to help elect anti-gun politicians.
We’re close to passing an important bill that will help eliminate many no-gun “victim zones” throughout Ohio. But Bloomberg is fighting us!
Expect Bloomberg to renew his efforts against the states using a formula he knows he can get to work.
Rich people ARE different. When public opinion is against them, they simply buy the public policy they want. They will make the rules for us if gun owners don’t speak up.
Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced that he will propose legislation to ban the sale of popular semi-automatic rifles & ammunition magazines.