Also, we especially want to recognize the years of commitment and dedication to OIA by outgoing board member Gordon Seabury..
Outdoor Industry Association Announces Incoming Board Members

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Also, we especially want to recognize the years of commitment and dedication to OIA by outgoing board member Gordon Seabury..
The Board of Directors of Remington Outdoor Company, one of the world’s leading designers & manufacturers of firearms, has appointed Anthony Acitelli as Chairman of the Board.
Knife Advocacy Organization Chooses CJ Buck and John Sullivan to Continue as the Organization’s President and Vice President.
The ASA Board of Directors is made up of 13 Industry Leaders who have focused diligently on state legislation that furthers the legal ownership and hunting use of suppressors.
The Second Amendment Coalition will advise President Elect Donald Trump & VP Elect Mike Pence as they uphold the Constitution of the United States of America & our right to keep & bear arms
The Board of Directors of Plano Synergy today announced the appointment of David E. Dudick as Chief Executive Officer, effective August 1.
Matt Morlock of Huron, South Dakota, has been named Pheasants Forever’s assistant director in South Dakota.
Gov. Jerry Brown recently appointed two new members to the California Fish and Game Commission, and replaced controversial Commissioners Michael Sutton and Richard Rogers.
At its recently completed annual conference held in Des Moines, IA, the International Hunter Education Association-USA (IHEA-USA) named the organization’s 2015 Officers and Board of Directors.
At the April 15th USSC membership meeting Brent McNee was elected to the USSC Board of Directors by the membership. He replaces Scott Engen…
February 2015 will see the annual election of NRA Board of Directors (BOD). If you are a voting member, said election gives you the opportunity to weigh in on the direction of the NRA…
ExtremeBeam announced today that it has added former Remington Outdoor Company (ROC) President and current President of Tail-Spotter Consulting, Scott Blackwell to its Board of Directors.
After listening to our members’ concerns and feedback, these goals will include concealed carry, “reasonable deviation”, national reciprocity, and illegal forms and delays…
Hodgdon Powder Company is excited to announce that it has selected a new board of directors.
The Mule Deer Foundation (MDF) announced today that they have hired Cindy Mosteller of Carlile to be the new regional director for the state of Wyoming.
The Safariland Group announced that Don Dutton has been appointed Vice President and General Manager of its Mustang Survival business located in Burnaby, Canada and Spencer, West Virginia.
The OIA board of directors today announced that Steve Barker, founder and former owner of Eagle Creek, has been appointed as interim executive director for the organization, effective immediately.
DuBois possesses leadership experience and a diverse background which will strengthen the TSRA and help protect and promote gun owners rights in the State of Texas…
Nominations for Three-Year Term Directors in Eastern, Central and Western Regions Accepted Aug. 1 – Sept. 1, 2014…
Polaris Industries Inc. announced that Scott W. Wine, its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, has been elected to serve as a director of U.S. Bancorp…
At its annual meeting June 19 2014 in Providence, Rhode Island, the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute elected a new chairman and vice-chairman.
The Crime Prevention Research Center is very excited to announce the Crime Prevention Research Center’s Academic Advisory Board…
Also Montana Shooting Sports Association finalized its legislative agenda for the 2015 Montana Legislative Session…
The 76th seat is elected to a period of one year, and the 76th board member is voted on at the NRA Annual Meetings…
cholastic Shooting Sports Foundation announces several executive and operational changes to accommodate its continued growth and position the Foundation for planned future expansion…
When you vote for the Board of Directors of the National Rifle Association, please consider voting for Joel Friedman from Pasadena, California. The future of our firearms rights are at stake…
Houtman, a book author and prior hunting and fishing industry management executive, was selected to fill the board seat vacated by Steve Pennaz. Her term begins immediately and ends in 2016…
This year I am endorsing just two nominees: Anthony P. Colandro, an outspoken & colorful range owner & firearms instructor from New Jersey, & Tracie L. Hill, a leading expert on Thompson sub-machine guns & author…
I am a passionate, unapologetic defender of the Second Amendment & self-protection advocate. I am an NRA Endowment member, husband to Becky & father to Antonio (7), Adolfo (4) & toddler Ilana, all life members…
I have been a member of the NRA Board of Directors for 21 years and received my nomination from NRA Nominating Committee. Please consider my name when completing your 2014 Ballots…