These “smart people” at universities should know by now that attempts to wrap their political gun control agenda in a white lab coat won’t will work. The American public deserves better…
A paper published in the Psychology of Violence is interesting because of what it did NOT find. Legally carrying a gun for protection had no association with psycopathic traits…
The media amplifies fear by giving mass shootings wall-to-wall coverage while often downplaying other deadly events. Stopping violence isn’t about scapegoating firearms.
Academia will take grant funding to pursue junk science to demonize hunters and push a gun control agenda. The left’s “playbook” is old – study it, demonize it, then ban it.
32% of police departments across the nation are not reporting any crime data to the FBI! That’s right, a third of our law enforcement agencies are completely silent…
The real declines are the worrying drop in reporting of crimes to police and the much-reduced arrest rates, without Americans actually experiencing a greater “freedom to be safe.”
While Everytown says California is the top state for so-called ‘gun safety policies,’ the bloody homicide body count tells a different story…
Analysis found that armed citizens stopped 157 of the 440 active shooter incidents, a rate of 35.7%. This is significantly higher than the 4.6% rate reported by the FBI.
What should we do when one of the top medical research Universities in the country partners with an agenda-driven anti-gun group funded by a firearms-hating billionaire
Until the Biden Administration recovers all the weapons & armaments they “gifted” to the Taliban, we really don’t want to hear squat about Gun Control!
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). How could NEJM publish such obvious drivel? They wanted to frighten us into believing them…
The so-called “fact-checkers” at Politifact (a project of the Poynter Institute) continue to provide cover for one of the gun control effort’s most ridiculous talking points.
Those who love the idea of having doctors study guns to push criminal violence as a health policy issue are selling snake oil. The American public knows this.
Frankly, we expected more from Donohue and his newest co-author. Donohue has, in the past, attempted to position himself as a researcher. He appears willing now to out himself as an activist.
The longer the Anti-Gun Radicals ignore the real causes of human-violence, the more death they may be responsible for.
In short, despite the best efforts of the authors, the poorly designed study didn’t even clearly conclude what the resulting headlines proclaim.
Rational arguments in support of gun rights are excluded or denigrated while other research, facing the same alleged shortcomings, is held up as fact. Inane and widely rejected research is presented..
It would seem to me that an intellectually honest educated man without an agenda would use this opportunity to educate those not as intelligent as he.
Why cannot liberals tell the truth? We saw it in the Kavanaugh hearings and now we are seeing a blatant example in a recent bogus mass shooting research paper by Adam Lankford.
One of the more common claims in the gun control debate is that the United States has more mass public shootings than any other countries. That is FAKE NEWS!
Wintemute moves the goalpost from “comprehensive background checks” to “permits to purchase,” which would require law-abiding citizens to get permission from the government before they buy a gun.
The CDC nonfatal injury data is completely unreliable – as the CDC itself admits. Noted anti-gun researcher David Hemenway is quoted as saying, “No one should trust the CDC’s nonfatal firearm injury
In an amusing story, a government-funded media outlet notorious for its liberal slant found that the overwhelming majority of school shootings listed in a federal report never occurred.
Lankford’s study reported that from 1966 to 2012, there were 90 public mass shooters in the U.S. & 202 in the rest of world. Lankford’s data represent a gross undercount of foreign attacks.
The difference between gun violence and fatalities related to motor vehicle accidents or smoking is intent. Traffic accidents are just that – accidents.
Time and again national pollsters insist on reporting how NRA members and other gun owners feel about gun control. Don’t believe a word of it.
A reporter for the Washington Post authored an article with the salacious and misleading headline “2018 has been deadlier for schoolchildren than service members.”
The only thing 100% of American’s would agree on is what we really need is bogus polling and liar control.
Given how often questions about defensive gun usage come up, around 116,000 per year to millions, one may wonder why this data was never acknowledged.
Environics took 131 of 1,510 total respondents, and claimed those 131 people represent the views of 2.1 MILLION licensed Canadian gun owners…