New Jersey has a lot of what the gun-grabbers call “common sense gun safety laws” and guys like me call “citizen disarmament edicts.”
Look No Further than Your New Jersey Neighbor for Easy Guns!

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
New Jersey has a lot of what the gun-grabbers call “common sense gun safety laws” and guys like me call “citizen disarmament edicts.”
Facebook is banning me from promoting posts that lead to my crowdfunding site, including a picture of me holding my infant son…
A New Jersey Judge Sentenced Brian Aitken To Seven Years In Prison For Possessing Guns He Legally Owned. Brian Will Tell You His Harrowing Story On November 18 2014…
If you are a gun owner, you MUST read this book to understand the potential depths of the state sanctioned system arrayed against you, poised to destroy your life at a moments notice…
Any talk of Christie as a viable candidate for President is ridiculous in the face of his lack of action to protect gun owners from the meat grinder that is New Jersey’s gun laws…
Brian was sentenced to seven years in New Jersey State Prison. He served 4 months before his sentence was commuted. His sentence was not overturned…
Every once in a while, Gun Control Zealots’ masks slip, and they inadvertently reveal their real feelings and opinions, to their own detriment and do enormous damage to their credibility.
Governor Christie Commutes Aitken Prison Sentence Please call or email Governor Christie to thank him! Trenton, NJ –-( Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ) has commuted the prison sentence of 27-year-old CEO Brian Aitken from 7 years to time served for the “crime” of properly transporting two legally-owned, unloaded, cased handguns in his car trunk while moving […]
I am proud to say that all the NAGR petitions, more than 25,000 of them, for Brian Aitken were successfully delivered to Governor Christie’s office…
Aitken was convicted last year of illegal possession of firearms, following a trial in which the judge refused to let the jury hear about exceptions in the law that allow possession of firearms without a license…
Governor Christie has commuted Brian’s sentence and he will be home before Christmas…
Last week Governor Christie publicly stated that he would decide whether or not to grant Brian Aitken a Pardon by Christmas…
The rally is sponsored by the New Jersey Second Amendment Society, which is raising public awareness about Aitken’s plight. Their goal is to petition Gov. Chris Christie…
What makes Aitken’s conviction all the more disconcerting is that he had contacted the New Jersey State Police prior to moving his home and his firearms — and he thought he had all his i’s dotted and his t’s crossed…
In August, Brian Aitken — who followed New Jersey’s draconian firearm laws to a “T” — was convicted by the state’s anti-gun kangaroo court of “unlawful possession of a handgun.”