The Supreme Court of The United States (SCOTUS) will decide if the ATF overstepped its authority by reclassifying bump stocks to machineguns.
bump stock
Amicus Brief Supports Gun Owners of America’s Bump Stock Case
“Basically, the government announces to the court what it is to believe and then demands the court march in lock-step along with it.
Amicus Brief Supports GOA Bumpstock Complaint
So a positive GOA ruling would definitely revitalize our efforts.
Brief Filed in Maryland ‘Rapid Fire Trigger Activators’ Ban Case
Anyone who tells you “this is just about a stupid piece of plastic” doesn’t understand the issue.
ATF 80% Lower Receiver Dilemma Recalls Stalin-Era Axiom on ‘Crime’
If fed enforcers, with near-unlimited resources and armies of lawyers, can’t proceed with certainty, how the hell are citizens supposed to know what they can do…?
Stay for Bump Stock Plaintiffs Dissolves Wednesday
If plaintiffs do not surrender or destroy their property by that time, they will be considered felons and subject to life-destroying fines, imprisonment and being designated “prohibited persons”…
Stay on Bump Stock Ban Enforcement against Plaintiffs Requested from Supreme Court
An application to stay implementation and enforcement of the “bump stock” ban pending a writ of certiorari was filed Tuesday in the Supreme Court…
FOIA Seeks ATF Documents after Technical Expert Admits ‘Machinegun’ Ruling Political
The court has scheduled a hearing next Tuesday for oral arguments on the motion for a preliminary injunction in that case.
‘Bump Stock’ Lawsuit Makes Unique Points to Seek Injunction against Ban
If I don’t obey the order to rid myself of my twice-confirmed “legal” property, I’ll be branded a felon and subject to life and freedom-destroying punishments.
FPC Challenges Trump Admin. Bump-Stock Ban in Federal Lawsuit
FPC announced today that attorneys Thomas C. Goldstein and Daniel Woofter of Goldstein & Russell, P.C., have filed a new federal lawsuit challenging the Trump Administration’s bump-stock ban.
White House Petition Launched to Reverse the Bump Stock Ban
With Trump’s bump stock ban set to go into effect, the end of hostility towards the Second Amendment doesn’t seem to be at an end.
ATF Offers Instructions on How to Destroy Bump Stocks
For destruction, regardless of manufacturer or model, a bump stock must be made incapable of being readily restored to its intended function by, e.g., crushing, melting or shredding the bump stock.
Federal Lawsuit Filed Challenging Trump Bump-Stock Ban; Injunction Sought
Attorneys for an owner of a “bump-stock” device and three constitutional rights advocacy organizations filed a federal lawsuit against the Trump Administration’s new confiscatory ban on firearm parts.
As Media Adds to ‘Bump Stock’ Confusion, Attorney Asks Fundamental Question
Did the “bump stock” ban memo go out as reported and who signed off on the rule? Acting AG Whitaker? And what happens to rules he signs if the Democrat lawsuit disqualifies him as ineligible?
Ohio Court Strikes Down Bump-Stock Ban
The Ohio statute is a good example of a strong preemption statute. Bump stocks are included because they are components and parts of firearms. The statute is specific. It also protects ammunition.
Questions for Trump Administration’s Bump Stock Prohibitionists Remain Unanswered
While bump fire stocks were reported found in the suspected shooter’s hotel room, where are the official reports that the devices were used?
ATF Proposed Rule on Bump-Stock-Type Devices Officially Published
Proposed Rule on Bump-Stock-Type Devices Officially Published; Comments Accepted Until June 27, 2018
So-Called ‘Conservatives’ Need to Stop Offering Gun-Grabbers Concessions
If the object is to protect Americans from those who wish to do them harm, the “solution” will never be in a piece of paper with a disarmament order.
Gun-grabbers Counting on ‘No Shows’ as ATF Bump Stock Comment Deadline Nears
At this writing, fewer than 8,000 comments have been submitted and time’s almost up.
ATF and DOJ Potentially Move to Ban Bump Stocks
Whether or not bump stocks will be banned will depend on if Congress looks at this from an analytical standpoint or an emotional standpoint.
New Jersey: Flawed Bump Stock Bill To Be Heard in Senate Committee Next Week
The Bill punishes individuals that purchased a legal product and does nothing to reduce violent crime or target real criminals..
The “Bump Stock” Overreach
The media frenzy over the mass murder in Las Vegas has died down faster than any other such story I have seen in the last two decades.
CNN Bump Stock Screw-Up Shows Agenda More Important than Accuracy
There’s no excuse for CNN or any professional news outlet to continue getting gun reporting so wrong.