If President Trump truly wants to take historic action, he will help end the ATF immediately, before another American is needlessly shot and killed, which is guaranteed to happen.
President Trump Should Help Destroy the ATF

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
If President Trump truly wants to take historic action, he will help end the ATF immediately, before another American is needlessly shot and killed, which is guaranteed to happen.
By requiring the ATF to certify the destruction of all records, the bill aims to eliminate the registry’s immediate threat and prevent future administrations from reviving such practices.
According to the ATF’s Firearms Industry Programs Branch of the Office of Enforcement Programs and Services, the Bureau can still enforce the ban on pistols equipped with stabilizing devices.
The bad news is President-elect Donald Trump, will be denied the pleasure of firing the most political ATF director we’ve ever seen.
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) has introduced a bill to abolish the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).
The real answer, of course, is with education, not crime and government corruption-enabling coercion.
Trump, should immediately remove Dettelbach from office, fire every ATF employee and disband the entire rouge department. @ATFHQ
To paraphrase the hit song title from the last century, what a difference a judge and a president make.
If they’re allowed to continue their raids, it is only a matter of time before an ATF agent kills another innocent American in their home.
The country needs someone at the ATF helm who will lead the agency, not weaponize it; someone who not only can define what an ‘assault weapon’ is, but also understands what it is not.
After reviewing years of ATF cases, Dettelbach will go down in history as the ATF Director with the most legal defeats.
ATF agents raid the home of a law-abiding gun collector, using a falsified search warrant, leaving behind a destroyed home, canine feces, and a shaken family and no charges!?
This is where citizens could really use some of those pledges of Second Amendment protection we heard along the campaign trail from Donald Trump, and from every Republican in Congress who won their seat because of gun owner support.
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments in the National Association For Gun Rights (NARG) v. Garland. The case centers on the legality of Forced Reset Triggers (FRT).
The National Instant background Check System (NICS)numbers for November of 2024 show November continuing the trend toward the fifth highest year for gun sales. Gun sales were the sixth highest on the record. They were almost equal to the fifth highest, in 2022. NICS checks were the fifth highest on record.
The ATF monitored people for their associations and the feeling that the target might commit a crime in the future.
While the idea of dismantling the ATF may be emotionally satisfying, it is neither practical nor beneficial for gun owners. Instead, reforming the agency offers…
With Hunter Biden’s court record and the pardon, the government cannot credibly evade a responsive production of documents with claims it has used in the past.
VanDerStok v. Garland, challenging the ATF on its claimed authority to redefine what is a firearm is really about the balance of power between agencies & the rights of Americans.
Surveillance footage shows the suspects smashing through two sets of glass doors using a heavy object before entering the store and taking guns…
On April 25, 2024, the individual met with Ronquillo in the parking lot of a Shreveport business and purchased a DPMS A-15, 7.62 multi caliber pistol for $1,000 in cash.
Learn about the sudden discontinuation of the Firearms Commerce report by the Biden administration’s ATF and what it means for gun owners.
Rep. Eric Burlison (R-MO) has announced his plans to introduce legislation aimed at abolishing the ATF, a federal agency he described as a “disaster” with a long history of infringing on Americans’ 2nd Amendment rights.
Should ATF should be dismantled entirely. “The devil you know,” may be preferable to sprawling bureaucracies with even more power to interfere with lawful gun ownership.
With Herrera as ATF director, there’s a real opportunity to bring accountability, strip away flawed regulations, & dismantle the entire diseased temple.
A significant player in the 3D-printed firearms world has been arrested on charges of violating the National Firearms Act of 1934 (NFA).
ATF is targeting vulnerable defendants, such as local law enforcement officers, who lack the resources to fight back against the full weight of the federal government…
The potential consequences of this case are far more numerous than the allegations in the original case. The legal possession of semi-autos firearms is potentially on the line…
An Alaskan jury acquitted a man accused by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) of running a gun store without a federal firearms license (FFL).
ATF is once again facing an uphill battle in court regulating Forced Reset Triggers. Despite already losing 6 times on this issue, the ATF is trying to reframe its argument—an approach that’s unlikely to hold up.