Lawyers for Matthew Hoover are arguing that the state charged him with the wrong crime in the Auto Key Card case.
Auto Key Card Case Appeal Says by ATF Standards Any AR-15 Could Be Considered a Machinegun

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Lawyers for Matthew Hoover are arguing that the state charged him with the wrong crime in the Auto Key Card case.
The federal government has seized over 350 websites selling Glock switches and silencers imported from China.
According to numbers supplied to the American Suppressor Association (ASA) by the ATF, suppressors now account for 97.5% of all ATF Form 4s.
ATF reinterpreted its own authority after 50 years of such kits being outside of the definition of “firearm.” By re-defining them, ATF now says that it has regulatory power over them.
“In the interest of returning your item as soon as possible, please submit your claim form within 90 days of this letter,” the ATF states.
The court reversed the lower court’s ruling, stating that the plaintiffs were entitled to a preliminary injunction against the ATF’s Final Rule on pistol braces.
Business completed, we shook hands, wished each other a good day and left ATF offices with something that less than two months ago would have been considered an unregistered machinegun.
I’m getting my bump stock, which they’ve had since April 2019, back from ATF.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) lost another case in federal Court yesterday in the Northern District of Texas Fort Worth Division.
We are absolutely thrilled that the court has dealt such a decisive blow… The ATF under the Biden/Harris regime has utterly trampled the Constitution and the rule of law to destroy the 2nd Amendment.
Was the bump stock ban by President Trump’s executive action shrewd strategy or fortuitous improvisation. The historical evidence is considered.
The ATF’s Final Rule unlawfully redefines when a person is “engaged in the business” of dealing in firearms and therefore required to be federally licensed.
The ATF NFA Division received 53,186 Form 4 applications in June, 63% higher than June last year, when the ATF NFA Division received 32,646.
The ATF rules for sales of certain types of semi-automatic rifles in California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas due to their proximity to the southwest border.
Thanks to the Court’s decision to reject Chevron deference, all past and future ATF rules are now on very questionable legal footing.
If officials in ATF/DOJ were trying to stay above politics, they wouldn’t have broken the law & handed out protected information twice in less than six months.
The law does not define machine guns by rate of fire. Simple skill can produce rates of fire in a revolver at the levels of common machine guns.
The Supreme Court ruled that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives exceeded its statutory authority when it tried to ban bump stocks. Nothing to do with 2A!?
Last week was bad for Joe Biden’s out-of-control Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms. Courts are taking a very dim view of Biden’s executive fiats on guns, striking down two in as many days.
The Supreme Court ruled that the ATF overstepped its authority when it banned bump stocks through the rule-making process by a 6-3 margin.
A Federal District Judge vacated the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF) Final Rule for pistol stabilizing devices.
The new rule authorizes funding to states to implement and enact, Extreme Risk Protection Orders among several other Constitution-violating items.
A federal judge in Texas has issued a Preliminary Injunction (PI) against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF) from enforcing its Final Rule about being engaged in the business of selling firearms.
Hunter Biden’s trial for lying on a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Form 4473 has kicked off in Delaware.
Malinowki’s frantic wife, not accused of any crime, was locked in the back of a police vehicle for four hours, paraded before the firemen in her thin nightgown, and forced to relieve herself in the presence of a female officer.
Rep. Thomas Masse (R-KY) confronted Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Director Steve Dettelbach over the government agency asking federal firearms licensees (FFL) in border states to report cash transactions.
Fincher signed the plea agreement on May 17, along with his Federal Public Defender, Brian Deer, and Assistant U.S. Attorney Joshua Satter, who prosecuted the case.
The hearing, which was held in the Rayburn House Office Building and was called “Oversight of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives,” lasted more than three hours.
A federal district judge in Texas has issued a temporary restraining order against the Biden administration’s enforcement of a new “final rule” which changes the definition of “engaging in the business” of dealing in firearms. The new rule is already having a chilling effect on gun shows.
This ruling prevented the ATF from enforcing its new rule on who needs a federal firearms license (FFL) to sell a gun.