Albertans hitched their wagon to liberty and a free market economy, electing Danielle Smith. That is good news for gun owners.
New Premier Danielle Smith: A Win For Canadian Gun Owners

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Albertans hitched their wagon to liberty and a free market economy, electing Danielle Smith. That is good news for gun owners.
If the police are at your door, understand this: they are not there to help you. They are either there to confiscate your legally-owned property or they suspect you of some other crime. Remain calm
CSSA is taking multiple actions to protect & defend the property & the Charter rights of its members & those of the entire Canadian firearms community.
The Trudeau government rendered handguns valueless by freezing the lawful handgun market, then state the only legal recourse is to surrender this property to the government.
Apparently, Justin Trudeau will announce the ban at the “Women Deliver Conference” between June 3-6 in Vancouver.
Bill Blair, the Minister of Gun Banning, Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction, refused to confirm or deny the government’s plan to announce “a sweeping gun ban”.
Playing politics with suicide rates is morally appalling, yet that’s precisely what our government, media outlets and anti-gun groups do.
Bill Blair’s attempt to slander the law-abiding families attending Harder’s “Guns and Guinness” fundraising event reveals an ugly side, that of a political opportunist.
Canadian police love to blame criminal shootings on “domestically-sourced” firearms. What they don’t tell us is many of those “domestically-sourced” guns are coming from police cruisers.
With 1 billion micro-grams per kilogram it translates into 50 million fatal doses per kilogram. The only question is whether our security services will find it before something truly horrible happens.
“No one wants to take away your firearms.” That disingenuous refrain can now be laid to rest. Not a shred of doubt remains. The true intent of the liberal left is as obvious as a rat turd in a…
Research shows publishing the names of mass murderers sparks a contagion effect. In the wake of each mass shooting, others occur shortly afterward due to the non-stop publicity given the killer.
Our most successful gun clubs weave themselves into the fabric of their communities and involve them in all aspects of the life and work of the club.
“I keep hearing this term law abiding gun owners.” “So, you know, we talk about law abiding firearms owners. A lot of times they are until they’re not.” ~ Pam Damoff
That people with known mental health issues are issued firearms licences is deeply disturbing. The issue is that the RCMP did not do its job…
Rural Liberal caucus members expressed displeasure at the lack of consultation over firearm legislation during a national caucus meeting.
While Canadian Shooting Sports Association disagrees on the goodness of Bill C-71, we wholeheartedly support his public statement about transparency for all firearm classification decisions.
After Justin Trudeau and Ralph Goodale went to extreme lengths to assure gun owners that Bill C-71, The Firearm Owners Harassment Act, is not a gun registry, it seems not everyone got the memo.
This is not a good bill for Canada’s firearms owners. In fact, it stinks. Bill C-71 is insidious, enabling traps and entanglements for future firearms users and owners.
Environics took 131 of 1,510 total respondents, and claimed those 131 people represent the views of 2.1 MILLION licensed Canadian gun owners…
The Mounties cannot tell us the most basic information about violent criminals or convicted sexual predators –– but every licenced gun owner in Canada is monitored daily.
In the wake of every mass shooting, the media-presented solution is always the same –– more restrictions on the people who did not commit the crime.
The danger is in the person, not the pistol, and certainly not the magazine. So why is it prohibited and a mere 10 round mag is a non-regulated gun part?
Once more, politicians obfuscate the truth and newspaper writers happily dish out misinformation as if it were the indisputable truth.
Mass murderers are driven by a certainty that once they commit their heinous crimes, the perpetrator’s name will be written in history books for all time.
The first announcement was the unexpected gazetting of Section 14 of the CSFLA, which implemented a 6-month grace period for expired firearms licences.
The pattern is predictable. A bad person takes a gun and shoots people, killing and wounding many, then the Democrats cry out for gun control legislation.
U.S. anti-gun writer Leah Libresco took a radical approach. She researched the effectiveness of gun control laws in the United States.
The Trudeau government’s echo chamber on gun control insists disarming civilians will stop violent crime.
Once again, the Liberals have declared war on Canada’s lawful and trustworthy firearms community for no good reason.