A U.S. Army Special Forces officer shot a Chechnya national who refused to leave the soldiers home near Fort Bragg.
Special Forces Officer Cleared in Shooting of Chechen National

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
A U.S. Army Special Forces officer shot a Chechnya national who refused to leave the soldiers home near Fort Bragg.
A man broke into a house, claimed to be police and demanded money. The woman resident shot and killed him, then sought help.
PennLive reported Friday, that a man who was forced to defend himself with a firearm will not face charges after defending himself with lethal force.
The Italian Senate voted to restore Castle Doctrine law, the new law restores the right to use deadly force in defense of the home.
We are happy to report that the bill was unanimously held in committee and will go nowhere this session!
Senate Bill 1161 fails to solidify Idaho as a top state where gun owners are protected! Instead, this bill would continue to protect criminals.
Castle Doctrine is gaining more co-sponsors by the day. Time is running out to move this legislation forward and we need you to act now!
2016 has been a historic year for the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance. First, we finally brought Permitless Carry to Idaho! That is something we have been fighting for for years. We couldn’t…..
H. 4703 seeks to clarify South Carolina’s “Castle Doctrine” to ensure that a defendant who is denied protection from prosecution under this Act is able to immediately appeal such a denial…
SB-344 Burden of Proof by Sen. Rob Bradley is scheduled to be heard in the Senate Rules Committee on Thursday, December 3, 2015, at 1:00PM
The National Rifle Association issued the following statement in support of Maine resident Harvey Lembo’s legal efforts to protect his Second Amendment rights.
On Tuesday, November 10, state Senator Rebekah Warren (D-18) implicitly made a bold statement that violent criminals deserve more legal protection than their law-abiding victims when she…..
Judicial activism is alive and flourishing on the Florida Supreme Court, and the victim of this activism is the Second Amendment and our fundamental right of self-defense.
The latest dispatch from the United Kingdom’s ongoing campaign to eliminate all forms of armed self-defense seems too incredible to be true.
A homeowner who shot a burglar two years ago, has been charged with deliberate homicide. The charges were based on Forensic evidence.
As 2014 draws to a close, a 38 percent spike in Detroit’s justified homicides is partially attributed to a modest drop in the homicide rate.
Far too many misunderstand existing laws and make irrelevant or nonsensical claims regarding Montana’s Self-Defense Law…
In the latest two incidents, two more home invaders were shot and killed as they attempted to force their way into a home owner’s residence. In total, four bad guys were permanently retired…
Much of the confusion stems from the fact that although both of these terms have a narrow, technically-correct meaning they have also been commonly used to refer to other aspects of self-defense law beyond these core meanings…
A seminar entitled, “Lethal Force Seminar: Laws All Gun-Owners Must Know,” seeks to both capitalize on the nation’s interest in high profile self-defense cases and teach interested citizens about the firearm laws they need to know…
Stand Your Ground laws were developed in response to state laws that have been eroding self-defense rights over the past several decades.
These bills effect 400 years of common law in Virginia and there were too many questions and too much at stake to rush them through.
Last night, the Minnesota House officially forwarded the Stand Your Ground bill to Governor Dayton.
The Stand Your Ground bill passed the Minnesota House last year. It overwhelmingly passed the Senate last week. Now the bill is headed to Governor Dayton.
Castle Doctrine legislation introduced by Stephen Brewer would provide essential protections for law-abiding citizens who defend themselves and their families from a criminal looking to do them harm.
The Stand Your Ground bill will be heard in the Minnesota Senate on Thursday, and is vital for the protection it gives Minnesotans who are forced to defend themselves or families outside their homes.
For now, the safest course is to email or call your delegate and senator and tell them NOT to support any version of castle doctrine without Senator Mark Obenshain’s amendment.
The problem is that our common law (i.e. court law precedent law) protections are not only stronger than these bills but these bills actually would give a rapist an advantage.
Sarah McKinley, an 18-year-old Oklahoma mother who was forced to shoot an armed intruder in her home last New Year’s Eve, has released an open letter to Nebraska residents.
He convinced them to let one of his trusted chairmen, Mark Cole, run the bill. Now where is HB 139? Nowhere! Not even assigned to a committee for a vote.