This legislation, that has 126 cosponsors, would most likely pass if it was brought to the floor, this is a clear attempt at silencing the will of the people and the rank-and-file legislators…
Pennsylvania Castle Doctrine House Bill 40 Update

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
This legislation, that has 126 cosponsors, would most likely pass if it was brought to the floor, this is a clear attempt at silencing the will of the people and the rank-and-file legislators…
Hawaii’s Governor Linda Lingle today signed into law two important bills preserving 2nd Amendment rights…
The two gun bills passed the House but face serious challenges in the Senate and need your emails…
The Twisted Tale of Holliman and Castle Doctrine in NC
Pennsylvania House Judiciary Committee Holds Hearing On Castle Doctrine
A Review of Michigan’s Castle Doctrine and No-Retreat Legislation
Deadly Force May Be Used Against A Person Who Breaks Into Your Home Or Business
Michigan’s Castle Doctrine Law and You
Time is Running Out for Two Pro-Gun, Pro-Hunting Bills in Nevada