It’s a bald-faced lie that accomplishes nothing but slandering the deservedly pristine image of CCW permit holders, and it needs to be exposed…
The Serious Business of Concealed Carry
Just because you have a permit to carry a gun, doesn’t mean you’re necessarily prepared to do so…
Your Right To Self-Defense Shouldn’t End At State Borders
NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox wrote an interesting and informative op-ed for the Daily Caller on why your right to self-defense shouldn’t end at state borders…
Calguns Foundation Sues Merced County Over Unlawful Carry Application Policies
What Sheriff Pazin has done is further burden a process that’s already costly and complex with unlawful requirements and fees…
Arizona CCW Permits On The Decline
In July 2011, the number of active permits reported by the Department of Public Safety (DPS) was less than what they reported in June…
SCOTUS Grants Review in Firearm Search Warrant Case
Often police seize firearms collections even when most of those firearms are not alleged as part of any criminal offense. These seizures result in damage to the firearms, and inevitably cost their owners expenses and legal fees to get the firearms back…
Fuzzy Math & 49 States With So Called Carry Rights
NJ carry permits in the hands of the regular citizens can be compared to Sasquatch. We know he’s out there but no one has every seen him…
Constitutional Concealed Carry Derailed By Wisconsin Republicans
Governor Walker showed his true colors and the state legislature fell in lockstep by turning SB93 — the nopermit Constitutional Carry bill — into one requiring permits and training…
Woolrich Elite Series Tactical Introduces Elite Discreet Carry Short Sleeve Shirt
Woolrich Elite Series Tactical introduces the Elite Discreet Carry Shirt, an everyday casual shirt that provides comfort and style while helping the wearer blend in with any crowd…
Illinois Once Again Comes in Last Place Says Illinois State Rifle Association
Illinois will be the only state in the nation that prohibits its citizens from protecting themselves with the most effective tool available – the defensive firearm…
Wisconsin Passes Concealed Carry Law
That just leaves Illinois as the only state that does not recognize the bear in Keep & Bear Arms…
Legal Action Wins Court Order Forcing LAPD to Make CCW Policies Available
For years, LAPD has repeatedly sought to avoid its obligations under the judgment and to keep people in the dark about what it takes to get a CCW in the City of L.A…
Amicus Brief Filed by Law Enforcement Educators & Trainers Association Challenging San Diego CCW Policies
the CRPA Foundation and a number of San Diego residents had attorneys from Michel & Associates, PC file their opening brief in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals…
NJ Judge Issues Handgun Carry Permit To Plaintiff In SAF Lawsuit
We’re moving forward with this case, because there are far too many people just like Jeff Muller whose civil rights have been cavalierly denied on the whims of a unelected judge…
Amicus Filed by Congress of Racial Equality in Lawsuit Challenging San Diego Restrictive CCW Policies
The CORE brief emphasizes how the right to “bear arms” does not stop at one’s doorstep, and gives a historical analysis of the Fourteenth Amendment…
Opening Brief Filed in Lawsuit Challenging San Diego County’s CCW Policies
The lawsuit asserts that under the Second Amendment, a desire for self-defense must constitute “good cause” for the issuance of a CCW…
Detroit Michigan CCW Class Instructor Launches Local Handgun Open Carry Blog
According to Ector, the time has arrived for city of Detroit to break ties with the racist roots of gun control…
NRA/CRPAF Lawsuit Filed to Force LAPD to Comply with Court Ordered CCW Permitting Process
NRA and CRPA Foundation are sponsoring two new legal actions to enforce a 16-year old court Order against the City of LA over its concealed weapons permit issuance policies…
Los Angeles City Council Unwittingly Invites Legal Challenge to Restrictive CCW Policy
In Contemplating a Ban on Openly Carrying Unloaded Firearms, Los Angeles City Council Unwittingly Invites Legal Challenge to City’s Restrictive CCW Policy…
Nearly Half of All Handgun Owners Plan to Apply for a CCW Permit in 2011
Handgun owners who don’t already possess a concealed-carry permit, about 40 percent said they intend to apply for one within the next 12 months…
Appeal Filed In Lawsuit Challenging San Diego Concealed Carry Weapons Policies
California law allows unloaded open carry of handguns, rather than needing a CCW to defend yourself you can carry unloaded and openly, California law that requires you to wait until you are about to be attacked, then load your firearm…
October Firearms Sales Jump 1.5% Over Last year
Though not a direct correlation to firearms sales, the NSSF-adjusted NICS data provide a more accurate picture of current market conditions…
When Exposure of a Concealed Pistol is Guilty of Open Carry
So, someone who has a Concealed Pistol License (CPL) may conceal a pistol and not be guilty of the crime of “CCW.”…
Jackson County WI An Opportunity for Firearms Freedom Monday August 16
Let these elected officials know that the people who elect them do not want the County’s attorney stepping in and prosecuting these unconstitutional laws…
Denied A Md Firearms Carry Permit We Want To Hear From You
We are looking for Maryland residents who have in particular been denied within the last three years…
More Positive Pro Gun Action From Wisconsin District Attorneys
Another Wisconsin DA has made a notable decision NOT to file charges against a Wisconsin open-carrier who was arrested after open-carrying to church…
Wisconsin DA Says Discriminating Laws No Longer Enforced in Wake of 2A Decision
Therefore, in keeping with my oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, I hereby declare that this office will no longer accept law enforcement referrals for violations of the following statutes…
Gun Lobby & Constitutional Firearms Carry – Insider Information
There is one reason Arizona pasted Constitutional Firearms Carry and one reason only why this got done – The Arizona Citizens Defense League…
Common Myths About Constitutional Carry in Arizona
It’s almost as bad as the lies told about blacks during the civil rights era of the 1960s. Almost…
Arizona Enacts “Constitutional Carry” For Firearms
Society is safer when criminals don’t know who’s armed…