The latest media freak-out over “undetectable plastic guns” is an echo of the panic that greeted the introduction of the then-revolutionary Glock in the 1980s….
Chuck Schumer
Plastic Gun Ban Renewal Energizes Schumer & Grassley to Call for Greater Gun Controls
The Senate had just passed, by unanimous consent, the House’s ten-year extension of the plastic gun ban. The bill was on its way to Obama’s desk for signature. And he couldn’t be happier…
Gun Control Coming to the US Senate Floor on Monday
Chuck Schumer held a press conference the same day to indicate that he will use the House-passed bill as a vehicle to pass even more gun control…
Schumer Lies About Alternative Gun Bill Reveal His Extremist Views
New York Senator Charles Schumer’s remarks over the weekend about provisions that could be added to an alternative bill regarding background checks are demonstrably false…
Schumer Gun Control Being Pushed By Republicans
If Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is able to break Senator Rand Paul’s filibuster, all bets are off…
Anti-Gun Lautenberg Trying to Put Amendment on Cybersecurity Bill
So Lautenberg believes you don’t need 100 rounds of ammunition? Who decided that our Bill of Rights should be a Bill of Needs?
Hypocrite Chuck Schumer Adds Magazine Restriction Amendment to Cyber Security
This is Chuck Schumer after all, he and his fellow tyrants in the Gun Control movement don’t care about such pesky details like the Constitutionality of what they want or its consequences.
Sen. Schumer Seeks Ban on High Cap Mags & Assault Weapons Next Week
The Cybersecurity Act will not only contain measures for cyber security, but also quite a bit of gun control if a coalition of Democrats led by Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) gets their way.