For decades, law-abiding Americans who have had their gun rights unfairly restricted have been left in legal limbo—creating an unconstitutional de facto lifetime gun ban.
Trump DOJ Allows Federal Gun Rights Restoration for First Time Since 1992

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
For decades, law-abiding Americans who have had their gun rights unfairly restricted have been left in legal limbo—creating an unconstitutional de facto lifetime gun ban.
Former Houston Police officer Gerald Goines has been convicted of two counts of felony murder by a Houston Jury.
A Federal District Judge has refused to dismiss a lawsuit against individual police officers for willful actions to deprive an Illinois man of his Second Amendment rights.
A significant change is happening in the historic town of Safed, Israel. Once known for its ancient Jewish mysticism, this town is now a hub for civilian armament.
Your very important rights have been increasingly dismantled by courts through the aggressive advocacy of “Soros” prosecutors nationwide….
There are at least 4 primary ancillary rights that arise from the 2nd Amendment: the right to train, purchase, make guns, & acquire ammunition.
To be clear, ATF and the Biden-Harris administration are violating the civil rights of millions of Americans. They need to be held accountable…
This is a victory for those who are falsely accused of having been “involuntarily committed,” by New York state to FBI NICS..
AJR 24 voices the Legislature’s opposition to current efforts in congress to pass “concealed carry reciprocity” legislation (S. 446 and H.R. 38).
The legislation will include a six-point agenda to revitalize basic civil rights, including the right to due process, the right to counsel, and the right to privacy.
Despite Cuomo’s avowed commitment to criminal justice reform in New York, this veto clearly shows the lie to that claim.
A civil rights lawsuit challenging a special, legislatively-created exemption to the “California Gun-Free School Zone Act” for retired government employees as unconstitutional under the…..
There are 26 separate protections in the Bill of Rights. Nine are eliminated outright by this obscene charade, with another four potential abuses.
With the Second Amendment under constant threat of erosion, it’s more important than ever to have a strong voice for civil rights in Minnesota.
Today, 11 individuals & 4 nonprofit civil rights orgs filed a new federal equality lawsuit, arguing CA’s special statutory exemptions to gun laws for retired “peace officers” are a violation o
A negative ruling would peremptorily deprive a very large group of Americans from ever again lawfully owning and possessing a firearm in the United States.
Commentators seized on the fact that he spoke at all, rather than the troubling implications of what he had to say regarding the Second Amendment…
I’m calling upon Governor Rick Scott to task the office of Chief Inspector General to investigate SWFWMD for these blatant and wanton Civil Rights/Second Amendment rights violations.
On February 9 — two weeks from today — our attorneys will be arguing two important civil rights cases before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco.
After a basic pistol course for new shooters one of the young men asked, “Why should I join the NRA? I mean what’s in it for me.”
Recently, an old friend and I were remembering those remarkably free times: when “gun control” was not even in the lexicon…
These bills would restore the fundamental individual right for law-abiding D.C. residents to Keep and Bear Arms to defend themselves in accordance with the law…
You should not be denied by Government forces, the right to take your firearms with you, rather than leave them behind for looters…
Following West Virginia Governor Earl Ray Tomblin’s March 20 veto of Senate Bill 347, a move possibly inspired by U.S. Senator Joe Manchin’s fierce opposition to the civil rights proposal, gun……..
If the Second Amendment is lost, so is the fate of America. The Second Amendment guarantees the rest of our rights are kept safe…
The AG might prefer a world without handguns & an Orwellian ban on Second Amendment speech, but government can’t use speech restrictions to chill the exercise of other fundamental rights…
A federal judge ruled that a man convicted of a misdemeanor crime several years ago, may not lose his Second Amendment rights under a federal gun control statute…
On reflection, the recent rescue of the Second Amendment from virtual annihilation in the face of the many specious arguments put forth by academics & cultural change activists is truly amazing…
Sadly, gunowners are one of the only groups left in America that bigots like Gumbel feel justified in publicly discriminating against, with impunity and with the most vile language, slurs & threats…
In reply to the decision, Attorney Nappen commented, “Basically, Due Process demands the right to confront those who restrain your constitutional right & statutory privilege to purchase firearms”…