Kamala Harris is a political sycophant of the highest order. She’s like a desperate dude at a bar right after last call… willing to say anything to go home with whoever’s still there.
They’re just doing this to try and embarrass NRA, and to smear the Association and its members as racists who don’t care about the plight of non-whites.
We meet up with the folks at Orange County Choppers and learn of the custom NRA bike they built that will be auctioned at the 2015 NRA Annual Meetings in Nashville…
Ray Rice gets treated like a non-violent offender for beating his fiance while Shaneen Allens gets treated like a violent criminal for making an honest mistake.
In case you missed it, last week Funny or Die produced a video in which comedian Sarah Silverman, facetiously advocated for a black NRA. It wasn’t funny, but racist and ignorant…
Colion Noir addresses Vice President Joe Biden’s inability to give advice on gun safety and home protection…
NRA is introducing three new commentators this month. Colion Noir, Natalie Foster, Dom Raso…
NRA News Commentator Colion Noir exposes gun control’s inherent dishonesty as a means to reducing violence…
Mr Obama stop proposing stupid legislation that won’t work at anything except disarming the segment of the population that needs those arms the most…
The NRA has announced that Colion Noir is going to be their newest contributor to NRA News…